Need Friends with Similar Goals for Support!!

First off, I'm relatively new to MFP. I've been on here for almost a month. I'm struggling with weight loss and motivation.

I am 8 weeks post pregnancy. I have lost a total of 10 pounds EXTRA since I gave birth. Meaning I lost all my baby weight plus 10 pounds. I still want to lose AT LEAST 10 more pounds! That being said here is my story! :-)

I'm 24, and a mommy of two beautiful girls. Keira is 22 Months old, and Kaelyn is 8 Weeks. High School Weight was 120. College Weight was 135 (freshman 15???). Post baby weight after first pregnancy was 145. I am currently 138. I'd like to lose 10-15 pounds :-)

I am 5'5. My husband is deployed to Iraq -- And my family live quite far away, and my friends arn't any support here, they don't think I need to lose weight, and give me a hard time. So I really need to connect with women who understand my want to lose weight. If that means chatting Via Myspace, then let me know!! I need to get motivated. I have started a weekly schedule that say when to eat, drink, and work out... I just need the "go go go" from someone supportive!! Please help!!!

<3 Amanda


  • ktndj82104
    ktndj82104 Posts: 85
    Our goals are a little different but we are similar other ways. I am 23 and have two beautful boys, Tristan 2 and jaden 5 months. I lloked my best in high school at 130 but ever since i went on birth control I have not went lower then 165. Since having my first son I have been over 175, since second I joined this site and am finally back down to 165, I still have 25 lbs to go yet. Which I want to drop before hubby gets back from his deployment, don't think it will happen but I am trying my best. So if you would like to be friends let me know.

  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    Welcome!!! I am mother of 2 ages 8 and 2. and my hubby is contractor working overseas in afganistan and I went from 166.4 to 123.6 in about year and half and if I can answer questions let me know
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Our goals are different and we don't have much in common BUT

    we all have similar goals....lose weight and get in shape.

    And my 2 year old (who will be3 in June) is also named Keira.
  • mlatiolais
    mlatiolais Posts: 9 Member
    I have more to lose than you do, and no kids, but my husband is AD Army, so we do have the military in common! We should start our own little military wives club!