Just starting

Hi all...I just started on Monday. I had been on Jenny Craig, which worked!!! Lost the beginning 24lbs. But, after a while, the food gets to be expensive and a little boring...same things week after week. I had also still been a part of Weight Watchers, which I use for the recipes and such. But, thought I'd give this a try. Also, I order the FitBit...love technology, but anything to help me lost my last 25lbs.


  • yychen01
    yychen01 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi there!

    Congrats on starting! I just started using this program last week (after a 3 month hiatus)...but now I'm back and have so far lost a couple pounds. It works! We just have to be honest and keep up with it.

    I've also started some light running again. Are you exercising?

    Also, please post about the fitbit after you've used it. I'm trying to figure out if $100 is worth spending...haha
  • pagirl0872
    pagirl0872 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi!! Yes, I do exercise. I do Leslie Sansone DVDs, mostly 5miles. Plus, I do a 25minute Kettlebell DVD. Unfortunately, I see there's no real way to log that activity, but I do it. My goal is to work out 4 days/week.

    I'm excited for the Fitbit. I had Jenny Craig's Metabolic Max which really works, so I figure the Fitbit is like that. I like know how much more I need to do versus guessing (and being wrong, LOL).