Out of no where, Knee pain...

Hey. I am hoping for some help on this.. I have a bad knee... But it has been getting better with workouts and losing weight! I got really sick last week and had to stop workouts for 2 weeks. 2 days ago, I tried to stand and my knee hurts worse then ever! It feels like something in stuck under the kneecap.. Even hurt all night, while laying down.. And any pressure from standing is painful! All the muscles are tight and feel strained. Why is this?

Is it from lack of working out? Could it be my mattress? (I have a bad one) I had cortisone shots 5 months ago.. Could they be worn off??. Help!!



  • kateblue72
    kateblue72 Posts: 113
    I too have knee pain, and had arthroscopic last summer, not sure it really was worth it... thinking I should have got the replacement, but seemed too young for that. The excess weight is really tough on knees ... and yes the cortisone shot is probably wearing off. Mine lasted almost 6 months, then went for the surgery. Get to a doc or physio. Keep up the biking, but lessen the weight bearing ie walking and running. Some anti-inflammatory cream like emugel might help too. Good luck, I feel your pain .... literally.