Badd Karma!

BlossysMom Posts: 50
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
I just need to vent:explode: :explode: I am soooooo aggravated. My normal sleeping schedule which I just cannot change even if I wanted I awake between 4:30-5am DAILY including weekends.

I just started a new job in RETAIL. I thought I would just make my food at home and put in containers to eat while at work. Ok so here is the issue: I work 8 1/2 hour days. I did not know that I DO NOT GET A 15 minute break. I also only get a half hour between the hours of 5-6:30pm. I leave at 7pm.

How the hell do I eat every 3 hours (6 meals)on this schedule???:noway: I ate my breakfast this morning at 5 had 2 eggs, peanutbutter toast (whole wheat 1 slice) bowl of cream of wheat, slice of ham and a glass of sugar free lemonade. I then at 5:30am cooked my porkchop, mashed potatoes, carrots which I thought I would eat during my half hour break. (which I get at around 5:30pm-6pm and I leave at 7pm)

I made another plate with 1 slice of ham and some cucumbers and tomatoes for my 15 minute break (which I would use as my dinner, this way I would eat SMALLEST meal late in day)

ALL BLOWN TO HE*** since I was informed that the store does not do 15 minute breaks. They only offer a half hour break to each employee that must be taken ONLY between the hours of 5pm-6:30pm.

This is what my schedule will be. I have 2 days off per week so do I only get to eat on my days off???


  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    Honestly--go to the bathroom and eat! Say you have to pee---say you have a medical condition! As a waitress I did this all the time! You will have to do this or talk to them sincerely and explain your situation. You can get a medical excuse from your doctor need be! Dont let this get you down--you can find a solution!
  • You might want to check your state laws about the breaks you receive. Some I do believe require that employers give you a lunch break and a 15 min break.

    It is so hard to change y
  • You might want to check your state laws about the breaks you receive. Some I do believe require that employers give you a lunch break and a 15 min break.

    It is so hard to change your routine when you have one all set up and your body gets used to it.
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    You might want to check your state laws about the breaks you receive. Some I do believe require that employers give you a lunch break and a 15 min break.

    It is so hard to change y
    holy crap that wouldn't fly here, labour laws are really strict, that's just wrong.
  • BlossysMom
    BlossysMom Posts: 50
    You are all right it is against the law. Unfortunately I really need the job and cannot afford to get fired. I did explain to my boss that I am on a special diet and need to eat every 3-4 hrs. He said well there are NO 15 minute breaks here, but since I let the smokers go have a cigarette for 2 minutes. You are welcome to go outside and eat in 2 minutes. He also told me that since he allows for many 2 minute breaks throughout the day that is his reason for NO 15 MINUTE BREAKS. The half hour breaks are taken ONLY during 5pm-6:30pm because that's what works since there are only 3 of us and the other 2 smoke I do not smoke.

    As for eating in the bathroom........totally does not appeal to me could never eat there.:noway:
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    I work in Human Resources and unfortunately your state only requires mandatory breaks for those under 18. However there is a federal labor law that requires at least a 20 minute break if you work over 7 1/2 hours that has to be taken within the first 5 hours worked. THere are exceptions to this but based on what you wrote I doubt there would be an exception.

    You can have accomodations if it is medically necessary, however trying to get breaks for eating would be difficult unless your doctor said you needed it for low blood sugar or something like that. I would encourage you to talk to your doctor, depending on the type of relationship you have. Otherwise see if you can talk to a manager about taking small breaks maybe 5 or 10 minutes just to gran a bite.

    Sorry I couldn't find anything that worked more in your favor in your state. Your state is actually really bad with labor laws.
  • BlossysMom
    BlossysMom Posts: 50
    just my thanks anyway. As I said I am not about to report anyone I just started this job. I like the job just think the policy is weird. Also don't see how I am going to be able to lose weight like this??? I have only 2 days off per week so I can only eat correctly on those 2 days I guess?

    As for the doctor, I do not have insurance and do not qualify for state medical which is why I have this job..........good benefits which kick in in 4 months.

    Thanks again
  • Coach2010
    Coach2010 Posts: 209
    Hang in there Blossy!

    Truth is, something is wrong with the way this is set up from a employee longevity standpoint.

    Not sure of the title, Badd Karma...but, let's try to get around that ;-)

    You can get around this through snack-bars, dried fruit, health shakes. A simple homemade snack to keep in your bag is a ziplock with dried cranberries, almonds, and cashews (maybe even raisins!). Great stuff. Hmm...I also found that celery sticks, mozzarella sticks, and just cut up leaves of lettuce and spinach, makes for great tide me over snacks that I can quickly reach over and nibble on.

    I appreciate your dilemma and your go for it attitude! Who knows, if you get into management for all of your hard work, you can right some wrongs here.

    Coach :drinker:
  • BlossysMom
    BlossysMom Posts: 50
    Thanks Coach!
    As for my title "Bad Karma" just referring to my life. It's always something with me. Anything that can go wrong always does for me. Everyone tells me they would not want to be me for a day because of my horrible luck. So the title referred to "just my luck" that I would find the 1 place to work that has no break room and only offers 1 break per day.
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    On this same thread, but in another direction, why do smokers get the breaks??????????

    I work at a hospital, I don't smoke. There are many smokers who get many, many breaks all day!!!
    I'm inside working, they're outside smoking for 5-10 minutes and socializing. Seems to me they're rewarded for a bad habit. Alcoholics don't get breaks to drink.

    this is very maddening to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    If it's outdoor smoking, I would go out side to eat my snack in the 2 minutes that they get!
  • jodazary
    jodazary Posts: 144 Member
    where do you live? here in TN state law requires you a 15 minute break after 2 hours at least a 30 lunch and another 15 minute break if you are working 8 or more hours i know i went 6 hours without a lunch one time cause we were super busy and the store was fined 15 thousand that hasnt happened again lol
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