Taps mic..*check, check*..this thing on?

Hello any and all who read this, I hope the day finds you well, and by well I mean at least your reading this on a computing device in leisure and not trying to survive a zombie apocalypse! hehe, ok introductions.

My name is Brian and I just joined this fantastic site in order to help facilitate my fitness goals. I have been through this before, losing weight, gaining weight, feeling like blah and then felling like yeah, but in the end it's a dangerous cycle and i'm about to break it for good! I love how the site tracks your daily and weekly calorie goals and exercise achievements, but filling out the food journal isn't as user friendly as it could be ( minor gripe). I have a loafty goal I want to achieve...long term happiness, but I honestly feel that anything I truly want to acomplish I can, as long as I give it my all, work hard towards a goal, and believe...unless that goal is to do the moonwalk on the actual moon..then well I may be out of luck :).

Life is short and is meant to be lived fully and being out of shape just sucks and it dims that flame a bit. I started the turn around on 3/19/2012 and so far have dropepd 8lbs, and have a bunch more to lose, then of course put back on as pure muscle, but baby steps people!I was/am a fast food junkie and althoughb I have never smoked or done a drug I know what it feels like to go through withdrawls...last week was bad, headaches, cravings, and non stop thinking of those golden arches...ah man, not to mention every commerical introducing the new dorito-bite-sized deep-fried, best tating thing-etc, etc..you know how it is.

Anyway, this was a long intro, but main point is that I want to extend my greeting to this community and if anyone wants to be friends jsut add and lets keep looking forward!

Good day/night and keep up the good work, your all worth it!~