
Hey everyone, I'm new to this website but it seems like the motivation I need for a more healthier start! Firstly, let me introduce myself. I'm Olivia or Ollie for short. A 22 year old film major student as well as a part time care taker.

I've always had a problem with my weight. I should say around 10 years old. In my family, I was always the more 'overly developed' person and at the beginning, it was okay, but that stopped until I started to get awkward stares. I've always had a big chest, big hips, but for my size (size 12), I kept a lenient figure which was healthy. That was until I turned 16 and began weighing 214 lbs (but when I got sick, I had lost all of that weight to 148). I've always felt insecure with my body, especially looking at my siblings or a slimmer figured person whose wearing short shirts, skirts and so forth. Summer time is coming up, and I want to at least wear a one piece bathing suit or wear short sleeved shirts without feeling as if I'm committing a crime. Lol. I hope by gaining insight from this community, I can achieve my goals on shedding off these pounds and hopefully maintaining a diet. I hope to meet some of you all and befriend during this journey onto a fitter, positive trail. :)

Height: 5'4 1/2
Current Weight: 175.5
Highest Weight: 214
Lowest Weight: 148
Aspiring Weight: 145-50