My story, again.

I love knowing that MFP is always here for me!

I am back, again. So when I joined MFP I was in the mid to low 200s. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I maxed out at 267lbs my senior year of high school and I can proudly say that my weight has generally gone in a downward trend since then. I spent college losing a little, gaining a little, and then losing a little more. I found myself narrowly avoiding "250" during grad school and then lost a little over my first years in the "real world".

Three years ago I decided I needed a change. I was sick of being so angry with myself and my body. So I got some support and gave up both flour and sugar. While that sounds challenging, it worked for me. I lost 70 pounds over the nine months that I changed my eating that dramatically. Eventually, I decided I wanted to go back to a more "normal" way of eating. My body wasn't perfect, but I can admit now that my expectations were unrealistic in some ways. I walked away just short of my 150lb goal weight. At 158lbs, I decided to incorporate flour and sugar back into my diet. Not unexpectedly, I gained 10lbs back quickly. A few months later, a bad break up and the holiday season brought back another 10. The next 2.5 years allowed me the time to gradually gain back the next 20lbs without noticing the slow incline on the weight chart!

So here I am, a few days after the scale hit the really scary number (200) again. I saw a story on my local news about this amazing app that helped people lose weight. I was surprised and so happy to see they meant MFP. I know this site! I love this site! I downloaded the app (that part was new from a few years ago!) and decided to give myself a reality check. I need to log my food.

After just a few days, my food has been better and I feel more motivated than I have in years. I am excited, but I am promising myself I will take it slowly this time. I need small, sustained changes. For the time being, a 10lb loss would be fantastic! I am getting married in September (hooray!) and I want nothing better than to feel completely confident in my dress/pictures. While I still occasionally look back and admire pictures from the short time I weighed one-hundred-and-fifty-something, I know that I will feel great taking off just a few of the pounds that came back and look forward to giving myself a small wedding gift.