30 Day Shred...Just started!



  • AmberFaith90
    AmberFaith90 Posts: 904 Member
    I'll be on day 7 tomorrow! Feel free to add me (:
  • AmberFaith90
    AmberFaith90 Posts: 904 Member
    "the first three days will feel like torture. after that the pain isn't nearly as bad and you will quickly find yourself getting stronger and more fit. be sure to take before pictures and measurements, even if you won't be sharing them with anyone but yourself. it's great to be able to compare!"

    ^^ THIS! ^^ I highly suggest holding the stretches much longer than JM does in her cool down. It will help you get through the soreness too. When you feel sore, push play! When you workout while you are sore, you get through it in a few days. If you take days off and then go back, you will be sore all over again. If you are really sore, soak in an epsom salt bath. You will feel better!!!

    Plus, don't weigh yourself for a month. You will be gaining muscle while losing fat. The scale doesn't move much while doing 30DS. Your measurements do though!!! Taking measurements and progress photos are your real progress markers!

    Also, people that do the 30DS seem to feel like if they miss a day that they have to start over. I, personally, feel this is merely an excuse. I fractured my toe in 2 places and ended up taking 5 days off in the middle of 30DS level 2. When I could get back into the groove again, I did one day at level 1, and then picked right back up where I left off! My 30DS will be 31 actual days of shredding, but will take place over the course of 36 days! Honestly, I tried to do 30DS before, but I got injured in the middle and the group I was in at that time told me to start over and that I couldn't miss days. I call BS! There will be times that life happens, like my fractures. Sometimes it is with working out and other times it is with food. The best part about a healthy journey... you get a brand new, fresh day every morning!!! If you stumble one day, just pick yourself back up, dust yourself off, and get back on track! Don't beat yourself up over it and surely, don't quit!!!

    I did day 6 of level 3 of the 30DS today. 4 more days and I am done with it. Kind of sad, but happy and excited to be moving forward! I will be starting Insanity in a week. :) This was my second attempt at a home workout program and I am happy to say that I am completing it!!!

    Best of luck to you! Hang in there!!! It can be tough, but feels amazing to finish. The hardest part is pushing play everyday!

    This! The majority of people who have done the shred lose more inches than pounds. I'm shooting to lose 3lbs, but I'm REALLY wanting to lose inches and gain muscle mass.

    I also agree on the fact that you shouldn't do it every day. Jillian Michaels' even stated during a podcast that this program was NOT meant to be completed within 30 days. She recommended the following schedule:

    2 days shred + 1 day cardio + 2 days shred + 1 day cardio + REST!

    My cardio is either a run or Zumba. I burn more calories doing an hour of Zumba than an hour run, so that's what I'm sticking with.

    WHATEVER you do, make sure you like it. If you don't like it, you won't stick with it. Almost guaranteed. Unless you have a crazy amount of will power.
  • Natalie182
    Natalie182 Posts: 61 Member
    I started this yesterday! Loved it, day 2 today =]
    Im currently 126lbs 5'2
    Have a 9 month old and would like to tone up abit and hopefully lose an inch or two x