Which artificial sweetener



  • PeggyWoodson
    PeggyWoodson Posts: 337 Member
    Thanks everyone. I appreciate the feedback.
  • Sunshiny2
    Sunshiny2 Posts: 24 Member
    Agave is not a good choice, it's very similar in makeup and nutrition to HFCS. Also processed just as much.
    I just use cane sugar or maple syrup most of the time. I occasionally use xylitol. I tried stevia,maybe it wasn't a good brand, but it tasted horrible. It was like Splenda or aspartame, nothing like sugar and with a yucky aftertaste.
    Sugar is only 15 cals for a tsp so why not just use the real stuff?
  • FitSuga
    FitSuga Posts: 262 Member
    I use natural honey. I use it for my oatmeal, sometimes on toast or as a treat in my green tea. The calories really are not that bad and IMO a lot healthier than the fake sugars ( which don't even tase nearly as good). Plus honey has so many benefits to me it negates the occasional calorie.
  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 290 Member
    Brown sugar for me or honey! sweetners are eeewwwy lol