Day 1 and need motivation

So today is my first day with this site and app. I, like most people despise cardio of any sort. If you have any interesting fun cardio ideas they would be appreciated! So I am a 40 (almost 41) year old Mom of 4 and grandma (Nonnie) of 2 beautiful grandaughters. I was recently told (by an ER doc) that I need to get healthy or I will not get to see those babies grow up. I have changed up my eating habits for the past couple weeks and try to get some cardio in there but really, really hate it! For one I can't seem to do much for too long. Probably because I have been a smoker for nearly 30 years. Before it comes up, Yup, I am working on that too! I live in the backwoods of Maine (not really the backwoods but not the city either) and it is still pretty cold out to be doing much of anything outdoors. As a matter of fact, it is currently snowing...ugh!!! I love to cook and need to find some more healthy recipes as well as to learn to cook for 2 instead of 6. Something I have been trying to work on but I definitly suck at. Seems when I cook it's for a whole country! I have an amazing husband but he isn't always the most supportive when it comes to things like this. He tends to give me what ever I desire. As much as most women would love this (don't get me wrong I do), it isn't always great when he hears ya say something like, "hmmmm chinese would be good right about now." cause he is the first one out the door to grab it and then bring it home and when you tell him you really shouldn't he entices so much that it makes it hard. Then other times he pushes too much. Example would be only being able to push yourself to 20 minutes of cardio and then him saying something like, "Well it isn't going to work if you don't do at least an hour."
As I think I said I am making a life change and not just out to lose weight, although that needs to happen too! Anyway, this is enough of a book. If anyone is looking for a partner of sorts with similar stats and drawbacks let me know.

Height 4'10
Starting weight 150
Current weight 147
Goal weight 110 (preferably less as this is still on the hefty side of BMI)


  • momo3boyz
    momo3boyz Posts: 29
    It's my first day too! You can do it!!! Add me as a friend and we'll motivate each other! :wink: