Newbie introduction

Hello all, i am on my third day of using the 6 week body makeover program and my question is..can this meal plan be used with the insanity dvd workout videos? Is there anyone out there that knows? I want to burn and tone as quickly as possible. I am 5'2" and i weigh 240. I seriously want to get my metabolism in overdrive. Serious and helpful replies only. Thank you.


  • Mizzou91
    Mizzou91 Posts: 249
    What constitutes a serious and helpful reply to you? If I tell you I have no clue about the answer to your question, I am absolutely serious about that and it is helpful because you know not to ask me anymore.
    TEENASAUR Posts: 11
    ello all, i am on my third day of using the 6 week body makeover program and my question is..can this meal plan be used with the insanity dvd workout videos? Is there anyone out there that knows? I want to burn and tone as quickly as possible. I am 5'2" and i weigh 240. I seriously want to get my metabolism in overdrive. Serious and helpful replies only. Thank you.

    Hello! Welcome to MFP :D
    I don't see why the meal plan wouldn't be able to be used along side the insanity DVD workout videos.
    Diet and exercise combined will help you lose weight faster!
    If you watch and are careful of what you eat, and you exercise to burn excess calories, then I'm pretty sure you will lose a lot of weight. It won't all melt off immediately, but once you get into the groove of things, then it will become much easier.
    I'm not an expert or anything and I'm not sure whether or not my reply is what you're looking for, but I hope it helps a little bit!
    I personally use MFP to track what I eat so I make sure I don't over eat and limit my calorie intake. I also do cardio and strength exercises along with my dieting plan, and so far, I think it's working well.

    Good luck!
  • darkmouzy
    darkmouzy Posts: 227 Member
    Well first off welcome to mfp.

    Secondly I'd have to see this meal plan to actually make a judgement. Insanity is an intense work out program so the nutrional requirements might not be met by this meal plan.

    Also, metabolism is as efficient as the fuel (good clean food) its given and of course enough. There really is no other way than that, also excersise.
    Last thing, what are your goals as far as a time frame? Due to your height and your weight, I'd say a healthy loss so it stays off might be anywhere from 1 year on.

    Sorry if It's not useful, but message me if you have any more questions :)

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