Over exercising and undereating



  • SuddenlyPickles
    I tilled a eight foot by eight foot patch of garden (hoeing, shoveling, and watering) for 3 hours, mowed my lawn using an old fashioned hand mower for 2 hours, then edged it, and swept the walk. I then went to the gym and did 2 hours on the elliptical and 1 hour 15 mins doing water jogging with resistance weights.

    Is this sort of a typical day for you? If you, I'd just set your physical activity to very active and then just log the gym workouts. It will probably be more accurate.

    If you're still having trouble after that, my last statement still stands. Cut back on the workouts and make more time to eat!

    Umm, jinx? I's buys me a coke... one two three four five six...
  • SuddenlyPickles
    I tilled a eight foot by eight foot patch of garden (hoeing, shoveling, and watering) for 3 hours, mowed my lawn using an old fashioned hand mower for 2 hours, then edged it, and swept the walk. I then went to the gym and did 2 hours on the elliptical and 1 hour 15 mins doing water jogging with resistance weights.

    Is that a regular day of activity for you? If so, I'd up my activity level on here to the maximum amount (if you haven't already) and just log the gym activities (ensuring you net at least 1,200 calories for the day, too). If this a one-off occurrence and you're 100 per cent sure you burned all 6,000 calories (by using an accurate heart rate monitor and not just the MFP database), then log it in and eat all the ice cream, peanut butter and cheese you can muster! Or send them to me... I'll eat them.

    Jinx :tongue:

    JINX ON THE JINX?! Holy Toledo.
  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 140 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom with two very active boys and finding time to eat is hard because I'm always running to do something for them. Yesterday for example I spent from 12 till 5 at three different Dr. appts. Then at 5 when my hubby got home I rushed off to get my 3 hours in at the gym. So I completely missed supper. In the mornings I'm up getting breakfast for the kids and their clothes and baths and general house cleaning before dropping my son off for pre-school and then running to afternoon appointments. I don't really get hungry during the day (which is what led to being overweight) and I would eat late at night. But I'm trying to change that so that I don't eat 5000 calories a night. My oldest son eats at pre-school for lunch and my youngest son eats baby food so I don't usually cook lunch and I forget to eat it because I'm taking my son to school and my little guy takes a nap then as well so I'm rushing to feed him and put him to bed and then I'm rushing to do what needs to be done before he wakes up.
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    I tilled a eight foot by eight foot patch of garden (hoeing, shoveling, and watering) for 3 hours, mowed my lawn using an old fashioned hand mower for 2 hours, then edged it, and swept the walk. I then went to the gym and did 2 hours on the elliptical and 1 hour 15 mins doing water jogging with resistance weights.
    IME, the less "traditional exercise" and the more "good, old-fashioned work" an activity, the worse the MFP estimates are going to be - especially as they stretch out into an entire day. It's pretty good at knowing what to give you for an hour jog or elliptical, but is just making WAGs for gardening, mowing, etc. I always edit those kinds of activities down to at least half of what MFP recommends. For instance, I spent 7 hours yesterday building a fence - digging post holes, carrying 80 lb bags of concrete, hauling lumber, etc - and gave myself 1500 Cal for the whole thing.
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    I tilled a eight foot by eight foot patch of garden (hoeing, shoveling, and watering) for 3 hours, mowed my lawn using an old fashioned hand mower for 2 hours, then edged it, and swept the walk. I then went to the gym and did 2 hours on the elliptical and 1 hour 15 mins doing water jogging with resistance weights.

    Is that a regular day of activity for you? If so, I'd up my activity level on here to the maximum amount (if you haven't already) and just log the gym activities (ensuring you net at least 1,200 calories for the day, too). If this a one-off occurrence and you're 100 per cent sure you burned all 6,000 calories (by using an accurate heart rate monitor and not just the MFP database), then log it in and eat all the ice cream, peanut butter and cheese you can muster! Or send them to me... I'll eat them.

    Jinx :tongue:

    JINX ON THE JINX?! Holy Toledo.

    Haha, wow, friending you. Now.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    Not trying to be snarky but this comes up all the time with teenage girls asking if it's OK to net "like 200 calories a day".... *sigh* If it's a one off day and you are genuinely not hungry then don't eat but if you're trying to do it Biggest Loser Style I think you're just setting yourself up for failure.

    No one would eat back 6000 calories but I find it hard to believe you can't fit in more than 1500
  • SuddenlyPickles

    Haha, wow, friending you. Now.

    I never thought a 6,000 calorie deficit would lead me to my MFP twin.
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom with two very active boys and finding time to eat is hard because I'm always running to do something for them. Yesterday for example I spent from 12 till 5 at three different Dr. appts. Then at 5 when my hubby got home I rushed off to get my 3 hours in at the gym. So I completely missed supper. In the mornings I'm up getting breakfast for the kids and their clothes and baths and general house cleaning before dropping my son off for pre-school and then running to afternoon appointments. I don't really get hungry during the day (which is what led to being overweight) and I would eat late at night. But I'm trying to change that so that I don't eat 5000 calories a night. My oldest son eats at pre-school for lunch and my youngest son eats baby food so I don't usually cook lunch and I forget to eat it because I'm taking my son to school and my little guy takes a nap then as well so I'm rushing to feed him and put him to bed and then I'm rushing to do what needs to be done before he wakes up.

    Like I said, if you're that active during the day, cut back on the gym workouts. Making time to eat is more important than burning an extra 1000-2000 calories when you're already burning more than you can handle.
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    I tilled a eight foot by eight foot patch of garden (hoeing, shoveling, and watering) for 3 hours, mowed my lawn using an old fashioned hand mower for 2 hours, then edged it, and swept the walk. I then went to the gym and did 2 hours on the elliptical and 1 hour 15 mins doing water jogging with resistance weights.

    Is that a regular day of activity for you? If so, I'd up my activity level on here to the maximum amount (if you haven't already) and just log the gym activities (ensuring you net at least 1,200 calories for the day, too). If this a one-off occurrence and you're 100 per cent sure you burned all 6,000 calories (by using an accurate heart rate monitor and not just the MFP database), then log it in and eat all the ice cream, peanut butter and cheese you can muster! Or send them to me... I'll eat them.


    Also, If you're doing that every single day, when do you spend time with the child in your photo, assuming the child is yours?
    That is... just over 8 hours of "working out".

    Gosh, I wish my kids would leave me alone during a 20 minute jog on the treadmill, let alone 67 minutes on the treadmill... I can't imagine how many times they would petition for my attention during the 5 hours of yard work!
    As it stands, mowing the lawn (with an electric, therefore quick, mower) takes me 45 minutes because I have to stop every 10 minutes to break up some fight, gives someone food, or make sure no one's trying to die!
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member
    who forgets to eat??? even my boston terrier reminds me she hasnt been fed
    seriously ... maybe you need to visit your doctor and see if there is a medical condition ... and im not trying to be rude
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    who forgets to eat??? even my boston terrier reminds me she hasnt been fed
    seriously ... maybe you need to visit your doctor and see if there is a medical condition ... and im not trying to be rude

    I forget to eat all of the time when I'm busy or even distracted by something like a good book. It definitely happens...
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom with two very active boys and finding time to eat is hard because I'm always running to do something for them. Yesterday for example I spent from 12 till 5 at three different Dr. appts. Then at 5 when my hubby got home I rushed off to get my 3 hours in at the gym. So I completely missed supper. In the mornings I'm up getting breakfast for the kids and their clothes and baths and general house cleaning before dropping my son off for pre-school and then running to afternoon appointments. I don't really get hungry during the day (which is what led to being overweight) and I would eat late at night. But I'm trying to change that so that I don't eat 5000 calories a night. My oldest son eats at pre-school for lunch and my youngest son eats baby food so I don't usually cook lunch and I forget to eat it because I'm taking my son to school and my little guy takes a nap then as well so I'm rushing to feed him and put him to bed and then I'm rushing to do what needs to be done before he wakes up.

    3 hours in the gym is quite a long time...personally not sustainable, but either way, a long time. you are fortunate to have it.

    i am a mother of 4 daughters and am super busy, but seriously 2500-6000 cals for exercise is over the top. however, your TDEE may very well be over 3/3500+, but the other, likely not.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,634 Member
    Realize that a 600 calorie burn is tough for 1 hour. And somehow this was sustained for 10 hours?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    I tilled a eight foot by eight foot patch of garden (hoeing, shoveling, and watering) for 3 hours, mowed my lawn using an old fashioned hand mower for 2 hours, then edged it, and swept the walk. I then went to the gym and did 2 hours on the elliptical and 1 hour 15 mins doing water jogging with resistance weights.

    Is that a regular day of activity for you? If so, I'd up my activity level on here to the maximum amount (if you haven't already) and just log the gym activities (ensuring you net at least 1,200 calories for the day, too). If this a one-off occurrence and you're 100 per cent sure you burned all 6,000 calories (by using an accurate heart rate monitor and not just the MFP database), then log it in and eat all the ice cream, peanut butter and cheese you can muster! Or send them to me... I'll eat them.


    Also, If you're doing that every single day, when do you spend time with the child in your photo, assuming the child is yours?
    That is... just over 8 hours of "working out".

    Gosh, I wish my kids would leave me alone during a 20 minute jog on the treadmill, let alone 67 minutes on the treadmill... I can't imagine how many times they would petition for my attention during the 5 hours of yard work!
    As it stands, mowing the lawn (with an electric, therefore quick, mower) takes me 45 minutes because I have to stop every 10 minutes to break up some fight, gives someone food, or make sure no one's trying to die!

    Haha this! I can't imagine that it is even possible to burn that many calories on a regular basis. I guess once in a while it would be possible. As many others have said....it is more important that you give your body the nutrients it needs than to spend 5 hours working out....especially when you have a family. Working out that hard is not sustainable and you are setting yourself up for failure down the road. Relax a little and do fun things instead with your kids.
  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 140 Member
    The kids are mine and while I was gardening my son was 'helping' me he was spreading the seeds and getting tools and digging holes and watering the planting bed I made yesterday. In the mean time I set up my son's play yard and he played in the yard with his toys and then took a nap during my gardening and yard work time. As for gym time my husband and I trade off with the kids at night so I can fit 2-3 hours at the gym each day. After dinner I put the baby to bed and he takes on our older son so I can go to the gym and then when I get home we spend 1-2 hours together before bed. It is possible it just takes creativity.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    who forgets to eat??? even my boston terrier reminds me she hasnt been fed
    seriously ... maybe you need to visit your doctor and see if there is a medical condition ... and im not trying to be rude

    I forget to eat all of the time when I'm busy or even distracted by something like a good book. It definitely happens...

    Ahh shoot, good reminder, time for late night snack!
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member

    Ahh shoot, good reminder, time for late night snack!

  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    who forgets to eat??? even my boston terrier reminds me she hasnt been fed
    seriously ... maybe you need to visit your doctor and see if there is a medical condition ... and im not trying to be rude
    I can totally relate to being too busy to think of eating.

    BUT, it sounds like you're spending most of your day in fasting mode or you wouldn't be able to stand it. Eating just 2-300 Calories for breakfast will, literally break your overnight (sleeping) fast and "wake up" the body to burn Calories properly. Then you WILL be hungry enough to eat on a more-typical schedule throughout the day. Your body will insist on it and drive you crazy until you do.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member

    Gosh, I wish my kids would leave me alone during a 20 minute jog on the treadmill, let alone 67 minutes on the treadmill... I can't imagine how many times they would petition for my attention during the 5 hours of yard work!
    As it stands, mowing the lawn (with an electric, therefore quick, mower) takes me 45 minutes because I have to stop every 10 minutes to break up some fight, gives someone food, or make sure no one's trying to die!

    Haha - I'm a mum and I LOLed at this! So true...
  • SwimKitty
    SwimKitty Posts: 122 Member
    If the human body can only lose so much fat a day before it hops over to burning protein, why are you killing yourself?

    Not to get off topic, but could you point me to information as to how much fat the body can burn per day? I'm interested in doing the least amount of exercise :)