Hmmm. . . . . cancer and baking soda



  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    I don't trust the big pharm companies after working in the medical field. It's easier to make money by keeping you sick for the rest of your life than it is to cure you. They've also already found that food grade hydrogen peroxide can cure cancer too.

    today on the doctor oz show it talked about big pharm companies and how our nation is over medicated. check out his website, very informative.

    Dr. Oz complaining about people taking excessive drugs! Lol! Lol! Lol!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    i thought the same thing and asked my son who is a chemical engineer. Lemon water can stabilize your pH level and blood sugar, helping your body naturally detoxify. Though lemons are often thought to be acidic, they actually have a pH level higher then seven, which means they have an alkalizing effect on the body. This will cancel out some of the excess acid stored in the body.

    Show me the research (or is it being covered up by the big pharmaceutical companies??????)
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    i thought the same thing and asked my son who is a chemical engineer. Lemon water can stabilize your pH level and blood sugar, helping your body naturally detoxify. Though lemons are often thought to be acidic, they actually have a pH level higher then seven, which means they have an alkalizing effect on the body. This will cancel out some of the excess acid stored in the body.
    I'm sorry, but.

    That is all completely ridiculous. Where are you getting this stuff? First of all, the pH of a lemon is about 3. That's quite acid.
    How can lemons stabilize your pH and blood sugar? That makes NO sense at all.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    There is no money in curing cancer. Therefore there will never be a cure.
    Complete and total bull****. There is a TON of money in it, and a TON of research going on as we speak.

    I wish people would THINK about what they are preaching. Seriously.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    i started testing my alkaline with pH strips that i bought from the pharmacy. it's said that EVERYONE with cancer has a very low pH level (acidity level). do you know what the absolute WORST food/drink you can put into your body? artificial sweetener and soda. so if you drink diet soda, thats a big no-no. it takes about 8-10 glasses of water to flush out a cup of soda. why bother drinking it?? the best two foods for an alkaline level is lemons and watermelon.

    i also think the pharmacy companies run a money racket, its horrible.
    Lol, myths will never cease. You do realize that the lemons and watermelon have to go through an acidic area to be absorbed?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    i thought the same thing and asked my son who is a chemical engineer. Lemon water can stabilize your pH level and blood sugar, helping your body naturally detoxify. Though lemons are often thought to be acidic, they actually have a pH level higher then seven, which means they have an alkalizing effect on the body. This will cancel out some of the excess acid stored in the body.
    Pseudo science at it's best.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member

    I heard that there was a study going on about cancer being CURED by baking soda, I did not believe it!! I typed it " cancer baking soda" into my search engine on the web and WHAM!!! There are a sights that support this doctor of out Italy who has treated people with baking soda to cure cancer. Some of it makes sense, other parts of it are hard to believe. Is it true???? that 400 people who had cancer are now cured??? Does anyone know about this?? Any info on this is welcomed!! Thanks

    Maybe this is why you never hear of crack smokers dying from cancer. :laugh:
  • loves_jc
    loves_jc Posts: 86 Member
    I am going to say as someone with a DX of cancer. I would be willing to try almost anything and that is where some of these things come from. People are more desprate then I am to stay alive and not suffer. I have eatting more asparagus, taken asprian, and now just sticking with the excersizeing and watching what I eat. I dont think there is any magic cures. So I am no longer trying all the crazy stuff I hear about. I Pray others dont either.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I am confident that in our lifetime a breakthrough will occur in cancer treatment and prevention. We are understanding more and more about cells and how they function and signal every day. The word "cancer" encompasses so many diverse and often completely disparate diseases. Cells are impossibly complex things and the body of knowledge that is already available is stunning, but we have a LOT more to learn.
    It's too bad that there is so much misinformation out there. It is not only aggravating, but DANGEROUS to people who actually believe anything they read, even though it's not peer-reviewed.

    This is EXACTLY what killed Steve Jobs.
  • howekaren
    howekaren Posts: 159 Member
    ^^^ This, exactly! Why do people insist on believing that "big Pharma" is out to do nothing but make money by keeping people sick? If there was a pill that would make us live a viable, healthy life, to the age of 200, "big Pharma" would market it for all it's worth to sell it, even if people never got sick again. Why? Because they could make a profit! That's why they're in business, you know. Same way McDonald's is. And if water was such a magical cure all against the evils of soda/artificial sweeteners/junk/toxins, people 200 years ago would have lived to the ripe old age of 100. Not an average age of 35. Life span has gotten longer BECAUSE of the medical establishment. Not in spite of it. Really, a modicum of study of the hard sciences would illuminate a lot of minds.

    Actually, to be fair, the ability to drink lots of water safely is a consequence of modern sanitation. Beer, wine, etc used to be much more typical drinks because they were safer than water.

    Also, the average age was pulled down tremendously by the tendency to die in childhood. Benjamin Franklin, for example, lived to be 84 years old. That wasn't outlandish even at the time.

    If you could change nothing whatsoever about the lifestyles of people 200 years ago other than giving them good sanitation and access to modern antibiotics (which the drug companies aren't working terribly hard on trying to develop more of, btw, because they're not as profitable as developing another cholesterol drug), we would probably see a very different average lifespan in that time period than we did.

    I don't intend any of this to mean that water IS a miracle cure that will fix absolutely everything. However, I do think that you should hold off on talking about how other people need a "modicum of study" when your own information is so poor.

    The reality is that the big pharmaceutical companies actually are, as a whole, out to do nothing but make as much money as possible. If they make people sick in the process, that's something that they're clearly prepared to live with based on all of the evidence that has come out over the years about them doing things like hiding serious known dangers of their drugs and continuing to sell them. For example, there was the $3 billion settlement Glaxo had to pay to make the investigations go away into the fact that they were illegally marketing Avandia, paying off doctors and manipulating medical research to push its use, in spite of the fact that it was known to cause heart problems.

    There are also good things that come from the pharmaceutical companies, but that's not because they're benevolent and want us to be healthy. They're out to get all of the money they can, and it's healthy to exercise a certain amount of skepticism about anything they say because they have a track record of knowingly selling things that were likely to harm the people who took them (and sometimes trying to prevent people from being aware that the risk existed).

    Perhaps you want to reread my post. I clearly said pharma companies are out to make profit. However, they aren't holding back cures to keep you sick. That was my point. Also, if you recall, I was noting that water is not a cure all, and that modern science (sanitation, antibiotics) is extending the lifespan of the current population. Of course people drank other liquids, please don't convolute my words to make your own dig. I was trying to make a short, concise rebuttal, not develop a thesis. You can cherry pick any report or statistic to prove your point, but the reality is, we don't have to rely on simple word of mouth or what "everyone" says. A little research goes a long way. Shall I now look for benevolent pharma stories to dispute your claim? Actually I'd prefer people showed a little skepticism and did some research on reliable sources. You seem to have made basically the same points I was making while throwing caustic remarks about my lack of study into the mix. I can assure you, that is not the case.