How can i eat more?

I'm reading alot about not eating below your bmr. My bmr is 1415. So It's hard for me to eat above that, Nowadays i don't even go out to especially exercise because i would have to eat back those calories and that would be too much food for me to consume. Does anyone have any idea how i could eat more? Can i eat chocolate or the more unhealthy, high calories foods for the remaining calories? You know.. just to kill some calories...

and do i have to eat above my bmr? I'm losing weight eating at 1200.... can't I wait till I'm at a plateau to eat 1500-1700 calories?


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    is your diary open?
    what are you eating now food wise? if you're really eating 1200 calories then i dont get how eating 215 more calories would be impossible. that's just a scoop of protein powder here and a boiled egg there.
  • aido1ce
    aido1ce Posts: 19 Member
    is your diary open?
    what are you eating now food wise? if you're really eating 1200 calories then i dont get how eating 215 more calories would be impossible. that's just a scoop of protein powder here and a boiled egg there.
    well i have to eat above 1415 so i was aiming for 1500. It could be done. The real problem i have is eating back those calories after exercising. If i was to burn 500 calories, i can not eat 2000 calories in food... I just dont have the appetite and time to eat that many unless i go out to eat every night.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    ah ok, i see what you mean. i dont eat my exercise calories. some days i burn over 1000 calories and there's no way i'm going to eat those back :laugh: especially since it's usually on those days that i'm least hungry

    i would suggest going by your hunger levels. some days you're going to be hungrier than others and will go above your goals. that should balance out the days when you're under.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    its up to you if u want to eat chocolate, i do when i ahve cravings for it, but the answer is higher calorie items: nuts. raisins (or trail mix will have both raisins and nuts). prunes if you like them. have a cup of milk or 100% juice with a meal. cook with some olive oil. add in a snack (idk how often you eat, but i eat 6x a day). instead of celery as a snack thats only 5 calories, add peanutbutter to it to make it over 200.. or pb with an apple. change out other items you are having for higher calorie items.. when your making a salad you can add nuts, fruit, cheese, meat, etc to increase the calories.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i use whatever i want to use up exercise cals - sometimes is healthy, somtimes its ice cream or fast food. up to 2600+ a day