How can I possibly recover from this binge?



  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    No need to recover. Just pick yourself up and start eating better again. It's that simple. You've just set yourself back a day or so, which is nothing in the grand scheme of things.
  • bruinstar
    bruinstar Posts: 32 Member
    I agree, this happens to all of us at one point or another during our journey to lose weight. But give yourself some breathing room so you can indulge a little with the the bad foods as long as you do it in moderation. My downfall has always been pizza...put a cheesy pizza in front of me and I want to devour it. But the more I log my calories and realize how much exercise I'd have to do to burn all those pizza calories away, I no longer feel like devouring the whole thing. So hang in there! It gets a little easier over time. :)
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Don't give up on yourself. Everyone has a slip up!

    Be sure to get right back on the horse. Eat healthily during your next few meals and make SURE that you get a few workouts in. It will minimize the damage.

    The main thing is to keep going. Your human. Give yourself some slack once in a while. It's okay!:-)

  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 303
    EVERY day before I found this site was a binge day! So anything I am doing now is so much better than what I was doing before, that when I have a bad day, and they DO happen, it isn't really that big a deal when I keep that perspective. As others have said, tomorrow is a new day, and you just need to pick up and keep moving forward. We CAN do this!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Your starting weight and your goal weight are separated by less than 10 pounds and you're beating yourself up about a little binge like that? As everyone else said, just forget about it and move on. It's going to happen, especially if you're depriving and/or starving yourself, which I can't tell since your diary is closed.

    ^ This, and, when you said "I only ate small fruit salad for lunch which I believe was the beginning of my downfall. " are spot-on! If you are seriously restricting calories, you're going to feel deprived and then you're going to munch. And then you can't stop munching. I am the same way. Willpower is said to be like a muscle - you can only work it out so long until it gets tired. When it gets tired because you've been strictly eating very little, or only letting yourself have CABBAGE SOUP *ahem* or celery sticks, your brain rebels and you go for the most calorie-dense, sweet, salty, fatty thing you can grab.

    The solution? Eat yummy, healthy things you enjoy throughout the day, so you don't feel deprived, and you don't freak out.

    This is all about learning what works for you. Take this as a lesson on how to eat better in the future, and what your body can handle. Don't deprive yourself of food, because it's just going to backfire. Take good care of yourself and your body and it will show. Why? Because you deserve to, AND, it will give you the results you want. :)

  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 482 Member
    No need to recover. Just pick yourself up and start eating better again. It's that simple. You've just set yourself back a day or so, which is nothing in the grand scheme of things.
    ^Yep, this. Put that food in your food diary and move on. No need to dwell on something that's over and done with. Consider it a high calorie day.
  • fightingformyfitness
    Excersize hun, and if you wanted it that bad, have it! just NOT everyday, but one binge wont kill you, dont beat yourself up! Just pick your head up and hit the treadmill :) Good luck <3
  • breezylou2
    breezylou2 Posts: 61 Member
    This is the exact reason I don't keep that stuff in the house. I will eat every bite of it. I can't have any crunchy or sweet "snacks" in the house, not even almonds, or I will eat them all in one day. I have done a lot of starting again tomorrow, and you will be ok tomorrow. Just log it, write a note about your feelings and move on. If you reach for a cake tomorrow, read your note and look at your log, remember how you felt.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    What do you mean by "possibly recover"??

    It's not like you had a car accident and got your foot cut off or something. Ya just ate a bit much chocolate.

    So ya eat a bit less for the rest of the week and walk a couple extra laps around the block.

    Problem solved.
  • 24redwine
    24redwine Posts: 43
    Take a hard look at what was going on -- why did you eat? Something emotional was going on. As others said, we've all been there and eating can be both comfort and punishment when we are not feeling good about our lives or ourselves. Be sure not to let others derail you from your goal. Get angry or hurt, that's fine, but don't use food in dealing with it because you only punish yourself. Don't let others do that to you. Trying harder to eat better won't be successful if you don't get at your issues. Therapy, a good friend, a member of the clergy, or even a journal can really help sort it out. I use a journal and also find daily cardio, especially running and walking, have a great stress reduction and meditation/reflective benefit. I agree with those who said not to have that junk stuff in the house. Just doesn't make sense. That way if you MUST have it, you have to work a litle harder to get it, and it would be in a limited quantity (buy small and rarely). I also agree if you've not been eating enough you are depriving yourself and will binge. I've gone off that stuff for a while now and it's not as appealing to me any more. It's not about depriving yourself. It's about being healthy and caring for yourself, like a child or a patient you are taking special care of. Your one body is the only one you get. Love it.
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    Accept that it happen, you made some so-so choices and MOVE ON. You have to turn that page. Make better choices at the next meal, and so on. No one is 100% perfect on this journey.
  • MrsBozz1
    MrsBozz1 Posts: 248 Member
    tomorrow is a new day.

    what helps for me is to not even have my trigger foods in the house and if i do have them they aren't in any quantities where i can do damage. so instead of buying a huge bag of chips i'll buy a 99 cent bag.

    it's kind of hard to overeat things if you're not buying them.

    This! For me if I don't have a lot of this kind of stuff in the house it much easier! Eating healthy is very important but have a little chocolate if you can fit it in your calories. It is never too late!!! You can do this! You have the power to be stronger than a crazy craving! Don't give up on yourself! You are worth it! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    Its over. Its a new day. One day is not a lifetime. Somebody told me a long time ago, before, I do something that will make me feel lousy, not matter what it is,,,,,,,tell somebody about it, before doing it. There was a little saying that went with it. **Stop** (what you are going to do) **Look** ( for a friends number or in my case I would hit MFP) and then **Listen** (to what others have to say) Hang in there.
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    There's a great group on MFP called "binge eating support group." I like it because it has a monthly challenge where you keep track of binge days. It motivates me.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Let it go and move on. I ate 3000-4000 cals each day 4 days in a row at Christmas and still recorded a loss that week. It's one day. Tomorrow is another day, start fresh.
  • GiseleT88
    GiseleT88 Posts: 17
    It is never ever too late! You can always start again the next morning. First just remove all the bad food from your house and keep it packed with all healthy stuff. lots and lots of fruits in your fridge. So whenever you feel like snacking on something you won't get tempted by junk food. If you ever feel like snacking on chips because believe me I LOVE chips and chocolate, I say try out the Kellogg's cracker chips. 27 chips for only 110 cal. I go to those whenever I need a good crunch. Just don't pick them straight from the'll get tempted to eat more and more. Get little sandwich bags and divide the 27 chips right when you open the box. Thats really helped me from eating the whole box in one sitting. Just remember you can always start with a new day and try even harder to keep away from junk food. If you don't surround yourself with junk food it'll make it harder for you to get a hold on it. And whenever you feel tempted try to remember why you wanted to start eating healthy. Think about where you will be in just a few months if you don't let the temptation get to you. =)
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Excersize hun, and if you wanted it that bad, have it! just NOT everyday, but one binge wont kill you, dont beat yourself up! Just pick your head up and hit the treadmill :) Good luck <3
    WHY ON EARTH would you dig up a thread from almost a year ago to the day for your first and only forum post???
  • GiseleT88
    GiseleT88 Posts: 17
    It doesn't matter when this was posted! This person might still feel like binging even to this day and could always use support and motivation. And what does it matter to you if this was her first post or not. Take your negativity with you cause its not needed here!
  • smilingirisheyes
    smilingirisheyes Posts: 149 Member
    You mentioned your lunch was where things took a turn, so maybe just take the lesson that you do better with your regular lunch and move on. There's nothing that can be done to undo today's difficulties, but you can use the experience to avoid having another binge down the road.

    If you're persistent about identifying where things took a wrong turn, you'll eventually find it happening les and less often or not at all. Hang in there!
  • smilingirisheyes
    smilingirisheyes Posts: 149 Member
    Excersize hun, and if you wanted it that bad, have it! just NOT everyday, but one binge wont kill you, dont beat yourself up! Just pick your head up and hit the treadmill :) Good luck <3
    WHY ON EARTH would you dig up a thread from almost a year ago to the day for your first and only forum post???

    I responded because I didn't look at the date! I thought it just happened... :(