advice appreciated

Would anyone be able to advise - what is the right time to start doing abs excersises - my BMI is at 23 and change - so that it is not pointless. Should I get it lower than that?


  • lbcruzin
    lbcruzin Posts: 15 Member
    You should be doing ab exercises and strengthing your core regardless of how much weight you have to lose! No time like mow. Go and get your last seven pounds! Congratulatiions.
  • Mabohlale
    Mabohlale Posts: 148 Member
    Bump ... I'm curious too!
  • I was under the impression from reading many posts here that you need to burn the fat that's covering your abs first before you start toning them.
  • WhitneyT586
    WhitneyT586 Posts: 279 Member
    Now. Combo of strength training and cardio is the way to go IMO. It's never pointless.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    The right time is NOW. I'm 100 lbs over weight and if my fat *kitten* can do it, so can (and should) you too!

    Enjoy the burn and the pain! Just remember to listen to your body and dont injure yourself :)
  • shivaslives
    shivaslives Posts: 279 Member
    Early and often is my advice on abs exercises. A strong core is critical now matter what your weight or you ability to visualize the results.


    Advice is worth exactly what you pay for it!