Warning - DO judge this one by it's cover!!!

Wynnie Posts: 225 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm not much for reality TV but I recognized Jillian Michael's from BL and bought her "30 Day Shred" DVD. I thought if this was stuff out of shape people could do on a prgram it must be a cinch (you know, now that I've been working out for weeks). HAH! When she says "shred", she sooooooo means it! I couldn't even do it every day. because for the first few times, my butt was still screaming for 2 or 3 days. But wow - it really is efficient! There were a lot of simple but wicked good exercises I'd never seen before.

Anyone else try this and actually survive the 30 days? How did you do?


  • cediyam
    cediyam Posts: 181 Member
    lol.. I know what you mean. when I first got it I did it on and off for a couple of days cos everything hurt. but thn I picked it up again last week and l'm loving it. I actually look forward to doing it everyday now.
  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363
    You are so right. I just started level 3 and OMG what an intense workout. I love it because it's only 20 minutes, you don't need alot of equipment and it is hard but easy to follow.

    I'm spending 10 days per level and that seems to work for me.

    I'm not fully an expert on the level when I reach day 10 but it's enough to move on to the next and that seems to work for me. When I started the program the cardio was a nightmare and now I can do it and I can keep up with them.

    Do what feels right for you and move on when you feel you are ready.
  • amylillian
    amylillian Posts: 27 Member
    I really want to do it!! I actually just bought it offline, and I can't wait to start!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I did almost the whole 30 days (got bored honestly), and I saw nice results. You can do it!
  • Sara2525
    Sara2525 Posts: 50 Member
    The first few days I did it my legs were literally shaking when I finished! My husband would ask me why I'm only working out for 20 minutes when I normally do 45-60 and I would tell him I just couldn't do any more! I don't care for the second level but the first and third are great. I can go back to level 1 any time and get a great workout.
  • I love the 30 day shread. but I also got bored after a little while. You always know you have done a good workout when you feel like jello at the end :laugh:
  • jdl249
    jdl249 Posts: 46
    I'm in the middle of it now actually. I just started last week and level 1 was getting easier for me, so I decided to venture into level 2. THAT was painful! I'm going back to level 1 until, as she says, "I'm ready to progress."

    Good luck! She will kick your butt up and down the street! :laugh:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    ha! I almost bought that dvd today at target!

    .....but then I ended up not getting it. :ohwell:

    I have a dvd that I bought a few months ago and I never use it bc it bored me. I wasn't sure whether or not I'd actually like the 30 day shred.
    Does it actually work (if you stick with it)? Have you lost weight with it/toned your bodies up?
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    It does work if you stick with it. Anything does really.... I have done it a couple of times (30 day sessions). The first time I did it (sep 08) it helped me break my plateau and I reached my goal weight. I was not doing it everyday, I did it every other day. I believe in letting my muscles rest for at least 24 hrs. Then I thought 20 mins was not enough and started doing two levels at a time. I would do level 1 and 2 one day, then 2 days later levels 2 and 3 and so on...I like to challenge myself. The next time I did it, Feb 09, I did 3 levels at a time every time I did every other day. I wore my IPod and muted the tv, it is more fun that way once you get to know the routine. Good luck with it. It is a good workout. :flowerforyou:
  • Wynnie
    Wynnie Posts: 225 Member
    Alf, I tried it your way with my iPod Shuffle, and I did enjoy that. And to answer the questions, now that I've done it, yes it worked. I only lost a few more pounds but I dropped a whole pant size - this one is great for the lower body. I also thought that level 2 was the hardest. But maybe that's because I'm not the most graceful, balanced person in the world. Overall, I really like it, and it works great!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    If you like this one try her Boost Metabolism Burn Fat....It's like the Shred only longer. And more cardio>
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Huh, I understood really out of shape people shouldn't do it... so I've avoided it but i want a kick butt video that I can actually accomplish for a day when I cant' get to the gym...

    I'm not looking to be perfect but definitely need at home workout that's challenging yet accomplishable! (no I can't zumba I almost dislocated my hip trying that one)
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    I love the 30 day shread. but I also got bored after a little while. You always know you have done a good workout when you feel like jello at the end :laugh:

    I agree! I have been doing Slim in 6 and I always feel like jello at the end!:laugh:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    I saw that it is ondemand for me right now....i am gonna have to try it if it is that good! TFS!:flowerforyou:
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    woohooo...I've done all 3 levels for about 3 months now...LOVE IT...and I LOVE LOVE LOVE working out for less time and more results. amazing! I even do my own circuit intervals now just doing things on her dvd and adding in whatever I want to do.
    When I started I literally couldn't do 10 push ups and no sit ups and jumping jacks were a joke. and I was in shape!!! seriously. Now, I put down 35 push ups, 15 sit ups, and jumping jacks for a minute. that is a big deal for me!!!
    I have also got Bob's biggest loser interval workout too and I almost like it better...he has an interval one and a yoga one that are fairly new...SO good. I sweat so much doing it!!!!
    PLEASE try these DVD's. enough of useless cardio...DO something great for your body! This has made me believe in myself that I can do so much more than I thought I could!

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