Eating the same things... Over and over...

I tend to find a food I like and end up eating it daily on repeat for weeks... Is there anything wrong with this?

At the moment i'm eating the same cereal bar and yogurt that i discovered this week for breakfast most days, the same low-fat range lunch pot that I find is really filling, fruit and a snack with my lunch (at the moment is the same yogurt i had for breakfast!) and then will try and mix my dinner up a little bit but again they don't get very varied...

I work in London and leave the house by 6am so eat breakfast at my desk (no private fridge/strict milk for hot-drinks only policy), lunch is the same and dinner is often rushed.

I work from home once/twice a week and these eating days are normally better - proper cereals, big salads and protein for lunch and more time for dinner with access to healthy snacks (celery/carrots etc.) and my weekends tend to also be more balanced.

I work out at least 8 hours a week (over four sessions) if not more.

Am I doing anything wrong by eating the same foods every single day?


  • bsgkid
    bsgkid Posts: 72 Member
    I eat a lot of the same foods repeatedly. It's easy because I don't have to figure out something new and mess with how many calories it is, etc. I know I like it, and at the end of a long day I don't have to use energy I don't have trying to be creative about what to eat. So long as we're eating a balanced diet and getting all our nutrients, I think we're safe. :wink:
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I do the same thing, but over time have learned to switch out meals etc-I found that eventually sticking with the same thing over and over I got bored of it. By switching and having options it has allowed me to stay on track.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I think everyone does. We like what we like.