New and Question

I'm new to MFP. I joined awhile ago, but didn't do much with it because I was still breastfeeding my daughter. But now that she is weaned I decided to be more serious about getting fit.

Some background. I have never been very good at eating. I can go the whole day and then realize that I didn't eat that day. It was very common for me to grab a Diet Coke and a chocolate covered granola bar (why don't they just call it candy) for breakfast and not eat again until dinner time. I know not very healthy. I am 35 and have 3 kids. People will say I'm thin, but I'm not fit at all and I have a nice mommy gut going on. I have final had enough and decided I need to eat better and exercise. I admit part of my motivation is to look good in some clothes I have and also a bathing suit.

I started working out a couple months ago and started making healthier choices, but I was still not eating very often and I still made some pretty bad choices in between the healthy choices. I slowly lost a pound. Then I decided to get really serious and I started using MFP again. MFP makes me accountable. I need to put something into breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. I set up MFP to loose 0.5 a week. However, I'm having a hard time eating my calories and then eating back my exercise calories. I still eat more then BMR. I could easy eat all my calories if I just ate junk, but I don't want to. I lost a pound the first week doing MFP for real and then this second week I lost 2.6 pounds. I'm concerned that this isn't healthy. Am I loosing too fast? How bad is it that I'm not eating all my calories. I am eating way more then I have in the past. What healthy snacks can I have to help.

I know my issue is not like others. And I know I don't have a lot of weight to loose. But honestly this isn't about the number on the scale, I want to feel better about my self. My energy level has gone up since starting and so have my self esteem. I want to be fit for myself and my family.