It feels like I have given up



  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    Yes. I agree. The kind and warm responses are great. And I just need to remind myself to stick with it. I realized yesterday that my mom and I are now the same weight. I am funny when it comes to motivation. realizing that led me straight to cookies... I don't buy them but my mom came over and brought me the food scale I aske for and there was chocolate goodies in the bag. *sigh*
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I just now started exercising. I couldn't find anything that I enjoyed. You said you did Yoga but can't afford it . I know that feeling too. I did Jazzercise for a year but now I can't afford it and I think that was one of the reasons I couldn't get myself to exercise, because I LOVED Jazzercise and just didn't want to do anything else. Could you buy some YOGA dvds or tapes and do them at home? If you are eating correctly you should still be losing even though you are not exercising. Maybe you need to eat more calories. I do better if I eat more than 1200 one or two days a week. And don't eat the same thing over and over to where you get bored. That's one of my problems too. I need variety. My husband has to be like my coach and make sure I go upstairs to exercise. I have a whole room full of equipment but nothing peaks my interest. Until the Jillian Michaels DVD for beginners. It's a tough workout but the time goes by really fast.

    Hope this helps. Please don't give up. You are a beautiful girl with so much to offer. Don't give up!!!:flowerforyou:

    It is great that you have your husbands support. I feel like I am totally alone on this one. Maybe that is another reason why I want to give up or at least why my mentality is like I have already given up.
    You are not alone. You have all of us!!!!! We are your support group. Even though we are not physically there, we are there for you. You can do this. Maybe put a picture of yourself the way you want to look and have that be your motivation. Getting off meds could also be a motivator. Hang in there!!!

    lol I can't get off the meds. I was just put on. I would probably be in worse shape without them. :tongue:
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Aw Dulce...

    Don't give up.... you've done so well in 3 weeks.
    Don't throw it all away. You'll regret it once you do.
    I have... a few times already and have kick myself in the *kitten* every single time.
    Keep doin' it girl!!!
    You're going to feel & look FANTABULOUS at Summertime:flowerforyou:

    Huge MFP hugs!

  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    Aw Dulce...

    Don't give up.... you've done so well in 3 weeks.
    Don't throw it all away. You'll regret it once you do.
    I have... a few times already and have kick myself in the *kitten* every single time.
    Keep doin' it girl!!!
    You're going to feel & look FANTABULOUS at Summertime:flowerforyou:

    Huge MFP hugs!


    Thanks. I kick myself all the time when I look at all my old pictures and see how confident and thin I was. Life was not as complicated as it is now.

    I have so many issues right now with my Fibromyalgia, skin issues (I have dipigmention (white) all over my face and have only recently had this...I am too embarrassed to be seen by anyone and its ruining my life.

    Sometimes I feel like the cons outweigh the pros and I tell myself... what is the point in losing weight anyways? Will I feel better about my self?
  • jlohern
    jlohern Posts: 52 Member
    I have two suggestions:

    1. What about subscribing to Netflix or I use Blockbuster and I love it! The cheapest plan is $3.99 per month + tax. That will get you 2 DVDs per month. They have a huge selection of excercise DVDs. Also, if you are a first-time user, you can get a 2-week trial free. They also have some promo codes (you can find them online) that may extend the trial to 4 weeks.

    2. Don't spend any time worrying about not having a boyfriend to support you. That's what friends are for! They tend to stick around a lot longer than a boyfriend anyway. I broke up with my boyfriend about 6 months ago. It was an amicable breakup, and I have never felt better. I love being on my own and doing what I want, when I want (I'm selfish that way!)! Just remember that you are in control. You are strong, independent, and you can do this!
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I have two suggestions:

    1. What about subscribing to Netflix or I use Blockbuster and I love it! The cheapest plan is $3.99 per month + tax. That will get you 2 DVDs per month. They have a huge selection of excercise DVDs. Also, if you are a first-time user, you can get a 2-week trial free. They also have some promo codes (you can find them online) that may extend the trial to 4 weeks.

    2. Don't spend any time worrying about not having a boyfriend to support you. That's what friends are for! They tend to stick around a lot longer than a boyfriend anyway. I broke up with my boyfriend about 6 months ago. It was an amicable breakup, and I have never felt better. I love being on my own and doing what I want, when I want (I'm selfish that way!)! Just remember that you are in control. You are strong, independent, and you can do this!

    I am not overly worried about the boyfriend for support part but I do admire those you have it. We all want what we can't have but I am totally accepting of the fact that I have to look out for me. I am selfish too which is probably why I rather be single but who doesn't like to feel wanted these days. :tongue:

    I used to do videos all the time and right now I have no desire to them. I have Windsor Pilates, Hip Hop Abs, Walk Away the Pounds, another yoga DVD, etc. I do them for a week and then I get interrupted by life and never look back.

    Hopefully I can get back into it. I know personally from doing yoga for a year with instructors that I can never go back to doing that at home. I love how they put you in the right positions and make you hold it longer than you would at home.
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I really appreciate everyone's feedback. :flowerforyou:
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    Don't give up! Do you have any friends where you live that you could walk with? If it's cold where you live, you can walk at the mall. Also check out the public library. Our's has lots of exerciese videos and DVDs and they're free. I'm sure they'd have yoga. Are there any fibromyalgia support groups on-line that might have some ideas for good exercises that would work for you? Good luck, and don't give up! Exercise gives you the happy endorphines!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Please don't give up. You have so much support here. Go back to your profile and re-read the reasons you want to lose weight. Keep us informed on how you're doing because we care. We're going to be here for you because we know you're here for us too. You're not alone in this, please remember that.
  • juliara
    Don't give up! The same happened to me. I was working out so hard for 3 months then come to find out that the pill wasn't letting me lose the weight. I never noticed it before until my Doc said, how long u been on the pill? I said on and off. And then she asked have u had a weight issue before? I said on and off. Answered my question. But i wasted all my energy and excitement and now i'm starting again cause i had to wait til the pill was out of my system. I'm having a hard time getting bk to the gym. But i can't give up now. So don't give up. You may feel down today but maybe better tomorrow. Have a Good Day
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    Thanks. I hope tomorrow is a better day.