love at first sight--or first meeting?



  • dieseljay74
    dieseljay74 Posts: 376
    That's happened to me ....
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    Yup. For me to was. I don't know that it was love - but I knew that he was the man I'd marry. I just *knew* (admittedly, I have very good intuition, lol).

    I had just started back at an old job, working at the local movie theater. He was brand, spanking new there (in fact, ALL the employees were, which happened to be a reason I got my job back, lol). They all thought I was a raring witch, and my now husband did NOT like me at all - I was bossy, and in charge, ha. But something about him just said to me, we would get married someday.

    Well, I mentioned he did not like me. That lasted about 6 months or so, and in the meantime I started dating another co-worker. That did not... er, end well. At any rate, I took off on a trip overseas for 2 weeks, and came back in a much better frame of mind. I started making more friends, I was more outgoing, and just happier over all. He, 2 of our friends, and myself decided to take a trip up to Six Flags for the day. He fell in love with me that day (and I'd been pining for him for 6 months, ha). Spending time away from work helped him meet the real me. Just before we started dating, we had a HUGE fight in the parking lot - I'd been sitting on the hood of my car, chatting after a meeting, and he ran up, grabbed my shoes off my feet and flung them in 2 directions. I think he thought he was being cute? All it did was tick me off, royally. Another friend yelled at him (we were sitting in a gravel lot, I couldn't just get down and get them without risking my feet badly!), and went to get one shoe, he gets in his car and drives to the other (it wasn't that far...), then proceeds to drive OVER the shoe, back up and drive over it again! Jerk!! lol. Anyway, I grabbed something, whipped it through his car window when he came back, and hit him in the eye. He pretended for several hours that I'd seriously maimed him and went and got a patch and everything. Needless to say, I started crying, he felt horrible, and we started dating. So weird. lol.

    We had one break after we'd been dating a year. I broke up with him, he was so immature and made some not so great choices. A friend convinced to break up with him. That lasted all of a week. He came back, realizing that he's made bad choices, and was going to do better. So far so good, and we've been married for nearly 10 years now, and together for almost 14!
  • elysianashes
    I do not believe in love at first sight... you simply do not know someone well enough to actually LOVE them from a "mind blowing kiss"... or add in anything else here that might happen during a first "meeting" or "date". It's purely physcial at that stage and is only lust. Those who say they KNEW just happened to have lasting relationships develop out of this LUST.
    You poor thing :)
  • DAM_Fine
    DAM_Fine Posts: 1,292 Member
    First sight for me - took a litlle longer for him. I was out at a bar with some friends (yes, yes, illegally - I was 17); we were hanging around waiting for the band to start playing again. There was this guy standing at the bar - long dark hair, wide shoulders, slim hips, great rear, dressed in a camo jacket and jeans. I could see his reflection, although hazily, in the mirror and liked what I could see. I think he saw me looking. He turned around and looked back, with this little cocky half-grin on his face - the kind that says "I know what you're thinking". He looked like a pirate with his goatee. I blushed and went back to talking to my friends.

    When the band started playing again, he walked over and held out his hand - didn't say a word - and I got up to dance with him. We danced most of the set, still not talking, still just watching each other. The second to last dance was a slow one and it felt so right! I was shaking a bit by the time the song ended, and I know he could feel it. He held me just a little tighter for a moment, kissed me on the cheek and whispered, "Call me, baby" in my ear as he led me back to the table. I found his number in the back pocket of my jeans.

    I kept going to call him and chickening out, but eventually I just had to do it. I wasn't even sure if he'd remember me - for all I knew, this was just something he did with every girl. He remembered me and we talked and we went out - but he did tell me he was too young to think about being tied down to one woman. I said that was fine (it wasn't) and we kept seeing each other.

    The funny thing was, for all he said he wanted his freedom, he didn't date anyone else - and he got very insecure if I was going out with my girlfriends. After about six months, he finally said the "L" word, but it was "I love you as much as I am capable of loving anyone". After about 9 months he dropped the caveat, and demanded to know if I was seeing anyone else, or if it was going to be "just us two". I told him that it had been just us two from the start for me and I was just waiting for him to catch up.

    We got engaged when I finished High School and married after I got my BA. We've been together 35 years and he is still and always will be my pirate lover.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I met my husband online and I can't say it was love at first sight, but by the end of the evening I knew he would be a great friend even if our relationship never went anywhere. I think we were both slow to acknowledge feelings for one another because we had burned so many times in the past. I knew I loved him when I realized I truly trusted him, which is something had not been able to do in my past relationships.

    We have been together for 6 years and married for 6 months. And it's been the best 6 years of my life! :love:
  • Jennicia
    Jennicia Posts: 479 Member
    sadly, No
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    in a way yes. I have talked to men online and gotten very attached and when we finally met in person the sparks were there and things moved VERY quickly. That was a long time ago... haven’t had that since but I don’t discount it being a possibility.

    Online it seems people are more open and have more freedom in what they say. So you have an intimacy of sorts from the beginning of meeting face to face.
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    Yes and Yes! I met my husband because of a message board. We exchanged emails and phone calls for a couple of weeks. I knew that if I was even just a little bit attracted to him when I met him, I was going to marry him. The first thing I saw was his smile.... his face lit up to see me and I lit up to see him. The rest was history so to speak.

    BUT as far as online goes..... I always treated guys I met online as friends. My view point was no matter what happened, I have a new friend. I did make some good friends that I still have today. I also fixed some up with other women I know because it was a better fit than me. :) I admit I am picky but once I figured out what I was looking for that made it easier to find the guy. Sounds simple and in some ways it was.

    Right before I found my husband I was interested in another guy. He was sort of interested in me. On paper you would have thought we were match in heaven, we had so much in common. Loved so much of the same stuff. But I found myself rationalizing the things we didn't have in common. Like I could talk myself into being someone I'm not so that we meshed up better. It's not like I was trying to change him, I was trying to change me! Once that light bulb went off, I realized it was time to let go and keep looking. Why was I settling. I would rather be single than to settle for a guy I really liked but turned out to be friend material instead of husband material.
  • LisamarieBond14
    LisamarieBond14 Posts: 133 Member
    My hubby contacted me on ChristianMingle on Thursday, August 28th, 2008. After telling him almost immediately that I wouldn't date him because he was pentecostal and I was not, he fought with me for a chance to get to know me better. We chatted for a bit, and I was smitten almost immediately. We met in person on Tuesday, September 2, 2008 at 6:47pm. He was late, but he actually phoned me a few minutes before we were supposed to meet to let me know he was on his way. I was very nervous that he would not live up to my expectations. I remember commenting that he looked a lot like my ex's brother and that his voice wasn't as deep as I was expecting (I honestly have no freakin' idea why I made either of those comments ... smh....)

    We went on our second date that Friday, Sept. 5. And that's when I knew that he was the man that I was going to marry. He proposed the following year (on that day :smile: ) at the spot where we had our first kiss. He is such a wonderful husband. God sent him to me and for that I am truly thankful. Eternity will not be enough time to spend with him.

    Lol, what's wrong with Penties?! I grew up Baptist but I've been going to a Pentecostal church (which claims to be non-denominational!) for a few years :) Lovely to meet you!
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    i knew the first time i met my husband that we were going to get married. it was our first date, he took me to a shooting range, then we had lunch. we went back to his house and talked and talked. it got late and i had to drive a ways to get home, but i was starving. so he made me a sandwich. it was the way he took care of me that sealed the deal.

    6 years later, we've been married for 4 years. he takes care of me so well, and i take care of him.. we have a great relationship, very close, very loving. i couldnt imagine being with anyone else. we're two peas :)
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ It was an incredible connection through online conversations ... and instant attraction that led us to where we are today ... the first time we met was just ... amazing ! Nothing could have prepared me for that moment and the days that followed. He is everything I ever dreamed of ... and the idea that we share sooooo much passion, desire and love for each other just makes this relationship absolutely perfect.

    My advice .. follow your heart ... it always knows the way. Sigh.

    Guess that was my most transparent moment yet .... oh well. :wink:
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    I do not believe in love at first sight... you simply do not know someone well enough to actually LOVE them from a "mind blowing kiss"... or add in anything else here that might happen during a first "meeting" or "date". It's purely physcial at that stage and is only lust. Those who say they KNEW just happened to have lasting relationships develop out of this LUST.

    I feel bad for you, and I hope that your belief doesn't or hasn't blinded you enough to miss the opportunity of "love at first sight". When I met Ashley, I NEVER thought we would be together, I never thought we would get to a kiss, let alone a relationship. I just knew that after I met her I INSTANTLY wanted to be near her again. I remember texting her the next morning saying I wanted to meet her again, I didn't care if it was as friends, as lovers, or whatever. I just knew that I had to see her and feel her presence again. That is NOT lust.
  • ashleymarie611
    ashleymarie611 Posts: 5 Member
    I believe in love at first sight. I met my current girlfriend and future wife online as well. We used to talk on a political message board until we met for a message board "meet up" at a local club. When Ashley and I met, she shook my hand and I remember her taking a step back, I felt it too, but I wasn't sure of myself. I wasn't sure if she could feel that from me. So we sat down and had dinner and started talking to each other. I remember feeling like it was just her and I there, forgetting that there were 4 other people at our table. I was so silly I didn't even realize she was flirting with me :) We had talked about playing air hockey, something she said she was pretty good at. So she asked me "Chris, do you want to come play with me?" . LOL I remember being like "Oh ok, sure" LOL I was such a goof.

    Anyways, the night went on and I remember thinking to myself that this was the most amazing woman I have ever met. I had tried to get her to go out with me after the group left, but she needed to get back to her kids. So as I was leaving I texted her and asked "Last chance, do you want to go out with me tonight". She responded "I wish :-)" . Two weeks later we went out again and had our first mind blowing kiss. It has gotten better EVERY day for the last two years we have been together. Now we are doing MFP together. I love you so much Ashley. :)
    I love you too, Chris. :-) You are the sweetest man I've ever known and I know how lucky I am to have found you. :-)I will never forget how it felt to shake your hand. I can't forget because I feel it every time we touch. :-)
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Ah lust. What a powerful emotion you are.
    I do not believe in love at first sight... you simply do not know someone well enough to actually LOVE them from a "mind blowing kiss"... or add in anything else here that might happen during a first "meeting" or "date". It's purely physcial at that stage and is only lust. Those who say they KNEW just happened to have lasting relationships develop out of this LUST.

    I agree with these two.

    Look, I have felt all the things most of you are describing, and I have felt them right away, but that is NOT love. True, deep, genuine, romantic love is a choice; it is not something that happens in a moment.

    I completely believe that you can meet someone, be so overcome by your feelings that you propose right away, get married, and live happily ever after. That's what happened to my grandparents. They got married two weeks after they met, and they just celebrated their 64th anniversary a couple of weeks ago. But that's fate or luck or divine intervention or whatever you want to call it, followed by a lot of hard work and an unwillingness to give up (part of the choice to love someone). It does not start out as love.
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    . But that's fate or luck or divine intervention or whatever you want to call it, followed by a lot of hard work and an unwillingness to give up (part of the choice to love someone). It does not start out as love.

    So you believe in fate, luck, and divine intervention, but not LOVE? Why is not LOVE at first sight? My love for Ashley has not stopped growing since the night we met. At what point then can I truly say I love her? According your definition and belief, its ONLY love after a certain point. When is that point? How long does one have to go before you would truly consider they LOVE someone?
  • robbiefreeland
    robbiefreeland Posts: 50 Member
    Absolutely YES YES YES!! I knew even before first sight or meeting. When you can communicate almost blindly with someone and feel like they have seen into your soul and you into theirs, what else can you do but follow your heart?
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    Actually, I ignored my boyfriend of 6 years for about 4 months before we started dating.

    It wasn't on purpose; apprently I'm just dense when it comes to that sort of thing.
  • ColCul
    ColCul Posts: 53
    Call it lust or love, but I knew the second I saw my husband that he was the one. We were engaged within a month. We will soon be celebrating our 13th wedding anniversary.

    It is not sunshine and roses all the time, in fact, he is annoying the crap out of me today and I suspect the feeling is mutual.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I do not believe in love at first sight... you simply do not know someone well enough to actually LOVE them from a "mind blowing kiss"... or add in anything else here that might happen during a first "meeting" or "date". It's purely physcial at that stage and is only lust. Those who say they KNEW just happened to have lasting relationships develop out of this LUST.

    Did I fail to mention that when we first met, I did not find my hubby attractive at all. He was NOT my "type" at all.... Far far far far far from my "type." We did NOT have a "mind-blowing" first kiss or anything of the sort. So, for me it was love at (nearly) first site, and not lust.
    ^^^ THIS! I loved mine as a friend before ever actually meeting in person... And did NOT expect anything to develop other than a continued friendship. But within a couple days of spending time together in person, things changed. He is a ridiculous departure from anyone or 'type' of person I had ever dated before. But, again, I all ready had love for him as a friend, so things just changed.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    I normally mock yucky love stuff, but I am going to be honest on this one: The moment I saw him, this feeling took over. It was like, I think I know you but we haven't even had words. Then as we spoke more, it became this deep feeling / connection. Is he my "soul mate"? Maybe. I dont think we have just ONE chance at true love. I loved him before I fell in love with him. So for me, that is what love at first sight really means.