exercise/diet but gaining?!?!

My husband and I are both being very careful of our diets, recording everything so we don't miss anything, and exercising at least 3 times a week (couch to 5k program) and then on our off days, we ride bikes, or walk. I was up a whole pound this morning, and I haven't lost anything since Saturday (the day which we started.) There is no cheating at all, and I eat back my exercise calories, and the 1200 calories a day.

Any help? advice? suggestions? It is just a little disheartening.


  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Weight loss isn't always immediate. Whenever your nutrition or physical activity levels change, it takes your body some time to adjust.

    The scales can be misleading. Sure, we all want to see progress for our efforts, the scale is a small part of the overall picture. Water weight can fluctuate up or down as much as 5 pounds in any 24 hr period, from hormone levels, sodium intake, or muscles recovering from strenuous activity. Make sure to give your body plenty of fluids, and adequate rest.

    If you've chosen your plan well and followed it conscientiously, you need to keep doing what you are doing and be patient. Hopefully, the goals you have set are realistic and long-term, and you have made sustainable changes that you can live with.

    Stash the scales in closet for a couple of weeks, and give your body the opportunity to figure out there's a new sheriff in town.

    Good luck and good health to you!!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Jarrettd is correct, and I would also add specifically that since you're female, time of the month can make a large difference in weight. The scale says I gained 3 lbs in 4 days because that time is approaching, but I know the scale is a feelthy liar :D
  • thanks! It always helps to get others outlook, especially those who have been successful.
  • I found that the carbs set at 55% were way too high for me. I lowered to 40% and am moving in the right direction now... Play around with the macros, find what works for you. :-)
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    A friend of mine told me to take 4oz of water and 2 TBsp of apple cider vinegar to rid of the water weight after TOM. I get swollen ankles after that time and this helps rid of the extra water built up. But other than that, I had to learn not to depend too much on the scale becasue it can be very discouraging. Just keep doing what you do and change up some things (learn your body) and you will push the plateau. Hope this helps and Good Luck!
  • shandirae
    shandirae Posts: 15
    If you are doing any weight lifting you will notice your clothes fitting better before you notice the scale moving. Don't get discouraged I am in the same boat but my clothes are beginning to fit again and that is what counts! Try just taking measurements for now instead of constantly weighing yourself, and once you see a difference in your measurements then maybe think about getting back on the scale. That has worked for me.
  • mrsdamr
    mrsdamr Posts: 54 Member
    As a WW leader used to say - what you do in 7 days isn't always reflected in 7 days. Same reason why when someone "cheats", you don't see the gain right away. All bodies adjust differently. Its frustrating yes, but if you are being honest, it will eventually be reflected either on the scale, or even better in clothing
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    stick with it, I gained weight and a little size before I started dropping. my body was just balancing out, muscles had to catch up to the new level of activity. hope that helps
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    It took me a full month to get some good losses to show up. But, now things are clicking. Also, I was struggling with my hunger/appetite, but now it is not an issue. I think that the body goes through some chemical/hormonal changes, and then things start to click.

    Another thought, and a problem that I face... I have a narrow range between my calorie goal and my BMR (only 400 calorie difference). You said you are not cheating, and I believe you. But, any miscalculation is going to play a role. Also, using my calorie range as an example, I only have room to lose 0.8# per week, based on the calorie deficit from my BMR. So, if you are eating back all of your exercise, you are not really creating a larger calorie deficit (and I am not sure that the calorie calculations are always correct).

    Perhaps consider not eating back your exercise calories, or perhaps only eating some of them back.

    Above all, give it more time. As the other posters said, the scale is only one measure of success. Women experience crazy water fluctuations! And, if you are feeling more trim, that is bigger than a number on the scale.

    Addendum: I just re-read your post and when you started (less than a week ago). Give it more time!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    If you've only been at it a week, and JUST started the C25k program, you'll probably be up due to water weight. Just give it a couple of weeks to settle into the new routine, and you'll start losing. No worries!
  • tlschlp
    tlschlp Posts: 54
    Don't forget to take measurements and pictures! You might be gaining weight because you are replacing fat with muscle ... it'll weigh the same, but make you slimmer.

    Weight should not be the only guide you use for getting healthy!
  • I think everyone has been through this, being extra good and the weight just is not moving, i,m there right now and have taken the step to remove the scales for a few weeks at least, sometime we get so fixed on what the scales say we loose sight of the bigger picture, I am hopeful that once re-united with my scales they will show a lose, dont let what the scales say knock you off target, stay focused on the goal and good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Put the scale away, do not look at it for 3 weeks. If it is disheartening, then it will lead to failure if you worry about it.

    Doing what you are doing is making you healthier for a wonderful life together, please enjoy it.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Good advice from other posters. Other things to consider:

    Are you using a digital food scale to measure everything that goes into your mouth? Most people drastically underestimate food portions, plus nutrition labels and measuring cups are very deceiving. You must measure everything in grams. They cost around $20 and it was the best investment I made when beginning my lifestyle change. You'll be shocked at how much you're actually eating. Get one with the "tare" feature. Mine is "the biggest loser" digital scale by Taylor model 3831BL purchased on walmart.com and shipped to the store for free. Taylor is a quality brand.

    Are you logging all beverages and things used to cook with (butter, oils, etc.)?

    How are you determing the calories burned from exercise? Many HRMs are terribly inaccurate and overestimate calories burned. Same thing goes for MFP's default database. If you're not losing weight after a few weeks, eat back only a portion of your exercise calories to compensate for possible over-estimation.

    Are you drinking enough water? Are you getting 6-8 hours of sleep every night? Are you tracking sodium in your diary? Is your sodium between 1800-2100mg daily? MFP's default of 2,500mg is too high.

    You can customize your macros and other stuff by going to My Home>>Goals>>Change Goals>>Custom. Save your changes. MFP's default for protein is dreadfully low at 15% of total calories. A more balanced approach is 45/30/25 carbs/protein/fat. Another popular ratio, especially for those who exercise a lot and include strength training in their routine (and you should!) is 40/40/20 carbs/protein/fat.

    Be patient and consistent. The weight will come off. Best of luck!
  • caramel1920
    caramel1920 Posts: 271
    Good advice from other posters. Other things to consider:

    Are you using a digital food scale to measure everything that goes into your mouth? Most people drastically underestimate food portions, plus nutrition labels and measuring cups are very deceiving. You must measure everything in grams. They cost around $20 and it was the best investment I made when beginning my lifestyle change. You'll be shocked at how much you're actually eating. Get one with the "tare" feature. Mine is "the biggest loser" digital scale by Taylor model 3831BL purchased on walmart.com and shipped to the store for free. Taylor is a quality brand.

    Are you logging all beverages and things used to cook with (butter, oils, etc.)?

    How are you determing the calories burned from exercise? Many HRMs are terribly inaccurate and overestimate calories burned. Same thing goes for MFP's default database. If you're not losing weight after a few weeks, eat back only a portion of your exercise calories to compensate for possible over-estimation.

    Are you drinking enough water? Are you getting 6-8 hours of sleep every night? Are you tracking sodium in your diary? Is your sodium between 1800-2100mg daily? MFP's default of 2,500mg is too high.

    You can customize your macros and other stuff by going to My Home>>Goals>>Change Goals>>Custom. Save your changes. MFP's default for protein is dreadfully low at 15% of total calories. A more balanced approach is 45/30/25 carbs/protein/fat. Another popular ratio, especially for those who exercise a lot and include strength training in their routine (and you should!) is 40/40/20 carbs/protein/fat.

    Be patient and consistent. The weight will come off. Best of luck!

    Thanks for this! I needed all of that info!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    You may not be eating enough. 1200 is very low for most people. Go back to your MFP targets and set yourself to lsoe no more than 1lb a week. Bet it gives yo more calories than 1200! You won't be hungry, you'll have more energy to work out and I bet your metabolism will get a boost and you'll start to lose weight.

    Also bear in mind that whenever you start a new exercise regime, water rushes to your muscles to replace energy stores and carry out repairs, so that can make you heavier for a couple of days afterwards, but that will shift with time.
  • Mission2Me
    Mission2Me Posts: 208 Member
    everyone here has made great comments. so there really is nothing for me to add.


    this is off topic but thank you to all of you for taking your time to help her and give her advice. I was just on another post and debating about people who may actually need someones help and not criticism from other MFP members for being overweight and it may not be that they just not trying/doing what they should. sometimes if lowering calories and adding exercise doesnt work for you, you may have to tweak some things or check for other issues. so I thought I would thank you all because you deserve it!