WEight Loss projections

I'm really not sure where to post this so don't hurt me if it's in the wrong topic. I was curious if anyone actually looked at the weight loss projections :

"If everyday were like today you would weigh XXX pounds in 5 weeks"

Are this accurate? Do you pay any attention to them?


  • emilythebear
    emilythebear Posts: 6 Member
    Wondering the same. They are pretty encouraging but I'm wondering if anyone can verify the accuracy in their own experience?
  • judypriv
    judypriv Posts: 206 Member
    not for me. That thing has told me since the beginning I would be 10 lbs. less in 5 weeks. Well, that means I would I have lost 25 lbs by now and I lost 8 (in almost three months). It's a liar!
  • Navotc
    Navotc Posts: 97
    I'm not sure if they're right nor not, because of course no day is exactly like that day. (It says "If every day were like today, you'd weigh xxx in 5 weeks.") However, those have been so motivational to me that I have stuck with it because I want the 5 week goal weights. All in all, they haven't been too far off for me, but I've only been at this for about 7 weeks.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,670 Member
    Mine always says I will weigh between 118-114 in five weeks. I've been here for five weeks now and I'm still in the 120s, haviing only lost 4 lb.

    I'm not discouraged by this. I'm proud of my progress so far. I just wish you could turn that little projected weight prompt OFF.
  • after 5 weeks i took all my days and averaged them just for fun and i was only .3 off! it may not always work for everyone but it was pretty close for me!
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    I use the projection as my goal every week. I try to have it match my goal 5 weeks away and so far it's either been dead on or slightly under the amount I've lost.

    The discrepancy is mostly because I claim to have a sedentary lifestyle because I have a desk job BUT I work out 5-6 days a week and WALK a bunch (I live in NY.) That combined with me overestimating my calories on occasion just to be safe usually gives me a cushion of about 0.2- 0.4 lbs. a week. It's nice to have a pleasant surprise on the scale. :wink:

    I think the reason why it doesn't work for some people is that

    1.) They aren't consistent. If you have a few days where your projection is higher than your current weight it means you're going wayyyyy over your calories. You have to take the average of the week to figure out what you'll be 5 weeks out.

    2.) They aren't eating clean. The estimation is based on calories in minus calories out. It's not a perfect matrix. It adjusts a little bit to your water consumption, etc. But it doesn't take into account that when I eat more lean protein and less carbs I lose weight faster. I see a fair amount of people eating "diet foods" and just pure crap and still coming in under their caloric goal. When you do that- the estimation may be favorable but your body probably won't react to that number. Your body reacts to nutrition.

    3.) They aren't logging accurately. :noway: The estimation is a simple math formula. So if you're off by a few hundred calories because you forgot to log the chipotle mayo sauce that came on your turkey burger then how is MFP supposed to know about it?

    If you're very accurate. And you average the amounts of the projections... and you know what works for your body as far as nutrition- it will work. Trust me. :smile:
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    I don't think they are accurate. Your body isn't a machine.
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    I don't think much of it. It also tells me I'm starving many days! I'm not.