First Day, Bad Day

flairbear Posts: 38
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Today was bad. I was hoping I'd keep on track for at least one day!
But noo.. of course not. I just ate a huge bowl of ice cream. :ohwell:


  • flairbear
    flairbear Posts: 38
    At least it was a delicous bowl of ice cream!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • flairbear
    flairbear Posts: 38
    Hows everyone elses first day going!?

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    don't worry to much about it. just start fresh tomorrow.
    :noway: it's not been the best weekend for me either. but, it's over now and I had a great time....:happy: :laugh: . and Now I start my week on the right foot and go back to my normal routine.
    I don;'t do this every weekend and I tried not to be bad all day -every day.

    :smile: You can do this too. just remember that this is a journey, every day you are living and you can't beat yourself up for enjoying yourself sometimes. But you can't let go more often or you will see the results of your actions and that is the scale not moving..... be good to yourself and remember that this all takes practice and you'll get there if you keep looking forward.
    good luck:smile:
  • Coach2010
    Coach2010 Posts: 209
    Hang in there flair!

    Two quick thoughts to help in making it a "Good Day": 1. Try to think through what was the emotional and intellectual cause, or state (situation), you were in (this is important to identify what pushes your self-control buttons) that pushed you past your limits ;-)

    2. Try to experiment with fun foods to offset too much of something that makes your day a "bad day."

    Case in point, some yogurt with granola, some blueberries and strawberries (fresh or frozen), and you're good to go!

    Let's keep our thoughts on what's in our control for the future!
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    Don't worry, no one changes overnight. Learn from your mistakes and pick yourself up. Hang in there :)
  • flairbear
    flairbear Posts: 38
    Thanks everyone for all the sweet and kind advice :happy:
  • Anne1882
    Anne1882 Posts: 18 Member
    I went way over my whole first week... slowly i started to get back on track and it has worked :laugh: Don't fret too much, that can cause you to overeat as well :grumble: Well, good luck and don't beat yourself up! :flowerforyou:
  • iamme
    iamme Posts: 4 Member
    hi...i also get soooooh tempted...but i am either not going to buy it or get the lowest fat version i can find!

    it can get quite demoralising...and you thing well ive messed up now it might as well be a biggy!
    dont give up, get back on track, once you see some change in your weight concentrate on that. i am not going to fail this time!

    good luck

  • Ratna
    Ratna Posts: 7
    I don't feel in control yet...myself...but, I did make myself purchase sugar-free jellos and made them up with some fruit and my whole family was excited and tried some! Unknown to me ...everyone in the house is now ...trying to lose some weight!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    don't beat yourself up over it. just get right back on it. :flowerforyou:
  • no biggie on messing up. one of the things i love about this site is that it shows you that the more you exercise, the more you get to eat. it shows you just how many calories that bowl of ice cream added on but you can just as easily cancel it out with working out. and besides, just try harder the next day.
    eating healthy takes some getting used to. i joined a couple days ago, and yesterday i went out to eat (which was a bad choice on my part. we should've just stayed home. i strayed off a bit just like you!) and automatically orderd a dr. pepper. after i'd already gotten my drink, i thought, "OMG! i could've TOTALLY ordered a water. what was i THINKING??" soon, though, i'm hoping i'll automatically order water instead of a coke! so, it's just like any other habit... you gotta consciously practice it until it becomes a unconscious habit.
    anyway, don't get too down on yourself. that won't help matters at all. so good luck!!
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