Going on vacation - nervous about falling off bandwagon

We leave this morning for a week in Seattle, and then leave again the end of June for New Orleans.
I'm sooooo nervous about not being able to keep up with my calorie intake (and hope all of the walking I plan to do helps with the exercise regime). AHHHHHH!


  • mcfrlndsgirl
    being away from home makes it hard. Believe me, I know, I've been on the other side of the world for a month.

    Just try to be smart. Watch your portions. If you go out to eat, ask for a to go box up front and put 1/2 of it in the box so you don't over eat. Walk, walk, walk. If your hotel has a gym, use it, or use the pool. FInd little things to try to keep you on track. Don't stress over it too much. Just be smart.
  • back2school
    Thanks - actually the walking has really helped (especially by adding several hours a day to the walking regime).
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    If you have access to the internet while you're away, check out the following website:


    It can help steer you to the *better* dining choices in whatever area you're visiting. Of course, it's not the "be-all, end-all" for finding healthy dining options, but it can be a good starting point.

    You can also check out www.dietfacts.com and www.thedailyplate.com for more of the chain-like restaurants. And, if there's a Red Robin in the area, you can go to their website and configure your meal PRIOR to going to the restaurant and then order exactly how you configured it. I :heart: Red Robin for that!!! Also, they serve steamed veggies (that are really steamed and not coated with gloppy stuff afterwards) and don't usually look at you funny when you order them!

    ...just some suggestions for finding healthy dining on your trip. Enjoy yourself!!! :bigsmile:

    Cheers, :drinker: