No Self Control

My problem is food! I can exercise like crazy and that's probably why I don't weight more than I do right now, but I can't say no to all the wrong foods. I love fast food and sweets and cokes. I find myself bored with healthy food and it cost more and takes longer to fix (most of the time). I feel so helpless that I can't say no to all these bad foods!!! Help


  • I cut out junk food over a year ago & what helped me the most was doing research on Trans Fats. After learning how common they are in convenience foods & how bad they are for my body, I pretty much just started making everything from scratch to avoid them.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Story of my life. Can't wait to see what advice you get :flowerforyou:
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    You gotta do it cold turkey. You won't crave them as much if you stop eating junk for about a week. I used to crave sugar and fatty foods, including fast food, and someone on here suggested quitting all of it cold turkey and only eating lean, healthy food for a week, and I was really surprised when it worked! I don't crave the junk anymore and I am losing weight not to mention feeling awesome!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    You gotta do it cold turkey. You won't crave them as much if you stop eating junk for about a week. I used to crave sugar and fatty foods, including fast food, and someone on here suggested quitting all of it cold turkey and only eating lean, healthy food for a week, and I was really surprised when it worked! I don't crave the junk anymore and I am losing weight not to mention feeling awesome!

    ^^ Definitely agree with this. People will say to cut it out gradually but I think that since you're still feeding the cravings you won't completely get over it. Once you stop eating the junk food (just think of how horrible fast food actually is for you! All the fat, trans fat, sodium you name it that's in it should be enough to turn you off) and cut out the sugar -- that means label reading and cutting out items that have added sugar as the first few ingredients or even HFCS, corn syrup or anything like that -- after a week or so you won't miss it and you won't crave it. If you need something sweet have fruit.

    Yes healthy food costs more but it's also so much better for you. It's not processed so it doesn't have any artificial crap in it that's not good for you or that your body doesn't know what to do with and you will feel so much better if you feed your body properly. You'll also more than likely lose weight because it doesn't have any added crap in it.
  • hesstb15
    hesstb15 Posts: 14
    I know exactly how you feel. It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do! The first two weeks I craved everything from a coke to potato chips. The thing is, I don't deprive myself. If I want a coke, i drink one, but since I haven't had one in so long, regular pop is too sweet, I can't even drink it. I drink diet if I drink it at all, which isn't often. Friday's are my cheat days. And I usually only cheat one meal. But the key is excercise. You can really eat anything you want, as long as you stay under your calorie goal and excercise. If you want cookies everyday for a week, eat them in moderation and work your butt off to stay under. You'll lose the weight, I promise. I'm down 19 pounds since I've joined fitness pal in February and I'm down 26 total since I started changing my lifestyle in January. Once you start eating less of those things, you'll find yourself not caring for them in the long run.
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    Stop eating them. Just do it. You will feel awful and grumpy and irritated for two weeks, but I'd be very surprised if after the initial shock to your system you didn't find yourself feeling BETTER, more energized and more "healthy" That feeling is motivating enough to keep me on the straight and narrow. HTH :)
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    You gotta do it cold turkey. You won't crave them as much if you stop eating junk for about a week. I used to crave sugar and fatty foods, including fast food, and someone on here suggested quitting all of it cold turkey and only eating lean, healthy food for a week, and I was really surprised when it worked! I don't crave the junk anymore and I am losing weight not to mention feeling awesome!

    Second vote in agreement with this. I find now that when I eat $hittay foods, I also feel $hittay.
  • You can say no, you choose not to.
  • elishabeish
    elishabeish Posts: 175 Member
    Story of my life. Can't wait to see what advice you get :flowerforyou:

  • johnny_k
    johnny_k Posts: 150 Member
    I find it's easier for me if I plan everything out ahead of time and log my food for the day in the morning. Then I have a clear plan for the day and can do a better job of holding myself accountable. The other huge thing is realize you need to take this one day at a time and you will have bad days, but don't let them become the norm.
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 615 Member
    I'm interested in seeing the different advice. My opinion would be to either pick a meal that you eat out and cook the rest of your meals or make different choices at the fast food place. I'm not a big believer in many restrictions. I think too many restrictions leads to failure. However, judging by many tickers in this post, you have seen great weight loss on your "cold turkey" advice.

    Either way you choose, remember, keeping a caloric deficit and hitting your macros, protein/carbs/fat, is the key to weight loss. Body recomposition is a different animal which would involve eating a little cleaner.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    try starting off with easy-to-grab healthy foods (cottage cheese, fruit, palatable raw veggies, yogurt). do your cooking in large batches and make them easily accessible (cook a bunch of chicken and cut it up into quick "snack" portions, etc).

    Other than that, to be blunt, you just have to want to be healthy more than you want a double cheeseburger and a coke.
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    You gotta do it cold turkey. You won't crave them as much if you stop eating junk for about a week. I used to crave sugar and fatty foods, including fast food, and someone on here suggested quitting all of it cold turkey and only eating lean, healthy food for a week, and I was really surprised when it worked! I don't crave the junk anymore and I am losing weight not to mention feeling awesome!

    ^^^ Yup. It DOES get better. It's tough, but take it one meal at a time, one day at a time. You'll start feeling so much better which will give you even more confidence & reason to stay away from (whatever your trigger is).
  • So is two weeks the average time it takes to quit those cravings? If I go cold turkey I mean...I am just so tired of have no self control that allowing myself just a little bit doesn't seem to work.
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    I'm exactly the same. I'll eat healthy for a good few days. Then get bored.
  • cobes24
    cobes24 Posts: 132 Member
    I agree that you have to just QUIT. Purge your house of all the junk, make up your mind to be stubborn with yourself about buying it or stopping through the drive thru--honestly, you will stop craving after you break the junk cycle, it just takes time. Sugar is addictive, just like alcohol or heroin. No one tells an alcoholic to "just stop gradually"--they have to just quit. Same deal with sugar. Also, that junk plays havoc on your body without you even knowing it--all those insulin spikes eventually will lead to insulin resistance, which leads to Type 2 Diabetes.

    You may be able to eat crap and keep weight down by exercising now, but your metabolism will slow down as you get older. Eventually, you'll likely find that the pounds will creep on, even if your exercise doesn't decrease. No time like the present to cut out the junk! Good luck!!
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    Ahh I know this isn't easy. I personally love healthy, clean foods so I get excited to prepare them! I'm all about quick, minimal time in the kitchen and lots of leftovers! Try prepping your meals ahead of time and saving them for later in the week.

    What worked for me was cut out most of the bad stuff gradually over the years. I never cared for soda anyway, so that was easy. Fast food (Qdoba Mexican Grill, Subway, or other "better" options than say McDonald's or BK) are still in the rotation since sometimes I'm on the go and don't always take my lunches with me. Candy is still something I struggle with, but the longer I go without, the less my body craves it. Refined sugar is toxic for our bodies, and I feel better without it. Of course, some foods naturally contain sugar, and I have no problem with eating them (Sweet bell peppers, apples, etc). I'm no saint, as I still have my bad days too. I just try to keep things in balance.

    All in all, you've just gotta want this bad enough. I believe in baby steps, as it prevents relapses and junk OD's. Best of luck and remember: Your body will follow your mind. Believe that you can overcome the junk and your body will listen.
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 684 Member
    I've been able to do much better by gradually cutting it out. I've tried the cold turkey way before then I found myself going on "I don't give a SH@T" binges which was worse off for me. I have cut down to fast food to one or twice a month, I only keep much healthier snacks in the house, I have converted to dark chocolate which I eat a couple times a week to satisfy my sweet tooth. Yeah, I still have the occasional bad days, but those are becoming less and less.
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    I don't eat fast food because I can't afford to. I can't afford to spend £5 on a meal at McDonald's when I can go to the fruit and veg shop and get £5's worth of fruit and veg which can make 4 or more meals.

    I do still eat chocolate and crisps, but in moderation. My diary is open so feel free to have a look.

    If I was to have some extra money then yes, I will east fast food but I make better choices in it. So a couple of weeks ago I had a McDonalds, which was chicken nuggets, garden salad and a diet cola. Was yummy, and I did'nt feel bloated afterwards like I would have done having a burger.

    The key word is moderation.
  • elishabeish
    elishabeish Posts: 175 Member
    Story of my life. Can't wait to see what advice you get :flowerforyou:


    The cold turkey thing would be easy if I were single and without children, my trouble is picky eaters in the house, I feel it's my job as mom and wife to keep them happy before myself, the fight with picky eaters is such a pain so there is always temptation around, i just remind myself of the reasons I'm on this journey and temptations will always be there. Try preparing your own "fast food", like spend an afternoon putting together ready to go snacks and meal for the week then you can grab and go.