Master Cleanse = A New Me!



  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    I like to add freshly-ground mint leaves (fresh, not dried). Nothing beats the clean minty feeling in my colon.

    I call it the "Master Mojito Cleanse"!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I like to add freshly-ground mint leaves (fresh, not dried). Nothing beats the clean minty feeling in my colon.

    I call it the "Master Mojito Cleanse"!

    ohhhh I should try it ok if I add some vodka?
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member

    ohhhh I should try it ok if I add some vodka?

    a woman after my own heart:heart:
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    I like to add freshly-ground mint leaves (fresh, not dried). Nothing beats the clean minty feeling in my colon.

    I call it the "Master Mojito Cleanse"!
    ohhhh I should try it ok if I add some vodka?
    White rum is more appropriate.
  • gjprincess
    gjprincess Posts: 29 Member
    I did it fro 48 hours and I had to stop I had such a migraine. However since I did it I no longer am addicted to Mt Dew and since then have lost 5lbs in the last month from not drinking it. I credit the master cleanse.
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    In a few months I will be doing this detox/cleanse. It is brand new and a gentle cleanse where you still eat real food throughout. Its 21 days so there is not starvation, no dehydration, and is done eating real foods and meals. If you or anyone is thinking about it, please message me for more details. This is a cleanse where you do NOT workout for the 21 days which is why I am not doing it yet. After I finish my current program I am all over it though! BTW, if you have not seen the movie that is VIRAL right now about how food matters, look at the site for "Hungry for Change" 100% worth a watch!!


    Hey this sounds very interesting and am wondering if you could send me the info on it. I like the Master Cleanse and I feel good while doing it but do miss food :) I am always looking for new things to try :)

    FYI -This is a beachbody product. Which means she is probably a coach. Which really means she just sells the product.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I like to add freshly-ground mint leaves (fresh, not dried). Nothing beats the clean minty feeling in my colon.

    I call it the "Master Mojito Cleanse"!
    ohhhh I should try it ok if I add some vodka?
    White rum is more appropriate.
    Love it and since it's a cleanse I can drink as much as I want... right?
  • xfchick
    xfchick Posts: 13
    I did it for 12 days and lost 14 lbs, I never felt so clear minded and energetic ever! The migraines people get is detox from coffee & sugar, anything we drastically change in out food intake shocks our body. I actually craved a hearty salad and nuts for some reason and not Burger & Fries. Master Cleanse by by Stanley Burroughs is a great book (minus all religion things he writes-I'm not trying to offend any religion, but didn't like the idea pushing it they way it was..AND in the book about cleansing)
    I also did it to push start my weight loss and i never really gained any of it back.
    Of course people will criticize it because it was initially introduced and talked about by another Hollywood gossip columnist, get a book and read it.
    One of my "super holistic" friends does is every year in April ("they" - holistic people believe we should do it on the first month of Spring,since everything is blooming and it gets warm out. The book promotes vegetarianism, which did not talk to me much, so I went back to my normal as healthy eating with some healthy cheating here and there.
    Also, when you finish your Master Cleanse, you can't just go a Steak House and have a nice juicy steak. You have to gradually reintroduce solids to your diet.
    Read the book first!
  • misskelli22
    misskelli22 Posts: 34
    I started the Master Cleanse today and would love to add some like-minded friends so feel free to send a request. I actually started it a week ago but cheated on day 4... I made my Nana's homemade mac & cheese that I haven't had in years. I made it for the kids and ended up eating some. I really wasn't even hungry though but once I cheated, I ate regular for a couple of days. Days 2 and 3 were hard because I felt very sick but I understood that it's just the toxins talking and felt fine the next morning.

    So I am restarting today and hope day 2 and 3 are easier this time.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    this stuff baffles me. Count calories. Work out. Lose weight. Regain health. It is really a very simple equation. Why do people insist on turning basic math into advanced calculus?