Jealous people?


This picture was posted on my Facebook newsfeed, and every single one of the comments were negative, stating that she is wayyyy too thin, and disgusting.

I just don't get it. Do I have body dysmorphia? That woman looks gorgeous to me...

I feel like people are overdoing it with the 'politically correctness'.


  • crystal8208
    crystal8208 Posts: 284 Member
    She's a tad on the thin side for my likings. I'm not too keen on ribs sticking out so much. But that's a personal preference. I don't think she's unhealthy by any means. And people know when you lay on your back, that sort of thing sticks out more. I'll bet when she stands, not that much pokes out. So, would I want that much bone sticking out on me, no, not really. Disgusting? Nope. To each their own. :drinker:
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    She is kinda thin to me. I wouldn't wanna look that way.
  • ksavy
    ksavy Posts: 271 Member
    I think she has a nice body. She is laying down, so it just looks like her bones are sticking out really far. Hell my hip bones do that to an extent and I am still a couple pounds over weight, so she is probably comfortably in the middle of a healthy weight.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    People are just on this new "fad" to be politically correct and hate on every woman that is thin.

    This lady does not look anorexic, she does not even look too thin. The position she is laying in makes her body look a tad awkward but they do that on purpose in high fashion magazines so you keep looking.

    Not ALL models are unhealthy even if they ARE skinny.

    Edit: I also find it strange that people think its ok to say that they "don't prefer" someones body shape...if you commented on a chubby girls photo and said "I would prefer she lose some weight" or "shes ok but shed look better if she were skinnier" youd get soooo much negative responses....yet its ok to say "she should put on a few pounds..." or "she does not look like a real woman".

    Just my 2 cents.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    She looks like she could lose a few pounds and still be healthy. I don't know what these people are going on about :sick:
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    I think she looks amazing! I definitely think girls who put down ANYONE for what they look like are jealous or just plain insecure. I wish we could all just learn to accept that other people have different body types. For example, me and my best friend are the same height, she wears a size 0 and I wear a size 10. Does that make my friend better than me for being thinner? NO! Does that make me better than her for having more curves? NO! We are different women with different frame sizes and body shapes.

    I once saw this interview with a very beautiful woman and she said, "My mother taught me growing up that no one was better than me, but I wasn't better than anyone else." If we all learn to embrace the beauty in ourselves, as well as in other women, we can stop the negativity, jealousy, and insecurity.

    I know I kind of got off topic here, but it's something that's been on my mind lately. So I'll just get off my soapbox now. haha :)
  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member
    I think she looks beautiful! :love:
    Her hips stick out because she is lying down, even mine stick out and I still have a lot or weight to lose! I can see some people may not want to be this slim, but it's personal preference.

    I've been so surprised at how nasty girls can be to each other, there was a tread on here yesterday and some poor girl was being slated. I just don't understand what motivated people to be nasty surely with all the pressure's we have all around us we can at least try and be supportive of each other!

  • BronnersHarris
    BronnersHarris Posts: 247 Member
    Her ribs are only sticking out that much due to how she's holding her arms. If she was standing up normally I don't think her stomach would go in anywhere as much.

    She just looks like a very pretty model.
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    I think she looks healthy. My ribs stick out like that whenever i lay down and im not underweight. Can almost guarantee that when she stands up she looks 'normal' whatever that may be :)
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    People are just on this new "fad" to be politically correct and hate on every woman that is thin.

    This lady does not look anorexic, she does not even look too thin. The position she is laying in makes her body look a tad awkward but they do that on purpose in high fashion magazines so you keep looking.

    Not ALL models are unhealthy even if they ARE skinny.

    Edit: I also find it strange that people think its ok to say that they "don't prefer" someones body shape...if you commented on a chubby girls photo and said "I would prefer she lose some weight" or "shes ok but shed look better if she were skinnier" youd get soooo much negative responses....yet its ok to say "she should put on a few pounds..." or "she does not look like a real woman".

    Just my 2 cents.

    ^^^^ This

    It seems that recently there's been a huge move to 'accept' all women regardless of size at the expense of smaller women. It's kinda contradictory. It's seen as OK to bash thin people now because fat people have been bashed for so long.

    I get the whole acceptance thing and can see why it happened but it's gone the other way. All that 'when did this become hotter than this?' nonsense is ridiculous. I'm all for people being confident whatever their size but you really don't have to put others down in the process.

    IMO, if someone is truly happy with their body they don't feel the need to bash its opposite to make the point.

    I think the woman in the picture looks lovely, some may not but I'm sure she doesn't care one bit
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I don't think she's disgusting - I wouldn't say that about any person's photo but I don't think it's a flattering photo at all, because of the angle her ribs look bony and asymmetrical.
    I'm curious, why did you post it on Facebook?
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    Is this Victoria Beckham? if it is, the reason could be because she's not really welled liked over here by a lot of women!!! just my two penny worth!!!
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    It's a gorgeous photo, but her hip bones freak me out. I know she's lying down, but she's a tad on the thin side for my liking.
  • barrielinda
    I think she looks amazing !
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I think it's how the hip bones stick out that it gives the impression of being too thin. heck when I lie down and look at my moobs and stomach, my moobs disappear and you can sometimes see my ribcage giving the illusion of being too thin myself. but I'm not. :laugh: I'd like to see a picture of her standing up but just going by this picture I think she looks normal but is too thin for my taste.
  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    Yep, it's "Posh Spice" as she used to be known here in the UK many moons ago in the days before she married David Beckham and re-branded herself.

    She has always been a tad on the thin side, and in this photo she looks too bony for my liking, but that just my *personal* preference. HOWEVER, I would not make rude remarks about her - especially on a social network site - it's just *****y and rude.

    I thnk the biggest problem I have with her is the fact that I don't think she EVER smiles - she is always rather po-faced, pouty and miserable looking to me!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I hate when people get on about "real women".
    Really, witches? Is she fake just because her *kitten* isn't fat? ;)

    I think she's lovely. Beautiful women come in all shapes and sizes and no woman deserves crappy criticism from a stranger. People on the internet like to forget they're talking smack about real living people. I subscribe to on facebook, and whenever they post a success story the people RAG on whoever it is. Too thin, not cut enough, looks like a man, gross muscles, .. like, really? Who made these people so perfect they can say things like that?
  • swt0pie
    swt0pie Posts: 366 Member
    i would die too look like her :)
  • jaqiswany
    jaqiswany Posts: 76
    She looks fine to me , think its just the way she has posed for the picture that makes her look like that , blimey id give my right arm for a figure like that !

    Im sure i must have ribs in here somewhere...........maybe one day mine will stick out too ( i live in hope ) although i reckon im safe for a good while yet
  • yummymummyto2
    personally i wouldnt want to be that thin but she does have one heck of a body!!

    its personal preferance and i wouldnt diss any woman for been big or small! and no im not trying to be politically correct i think she looks stunning but for me personally i wouldnt want to be that thin (i dont think she is too thin either, as others have said she is laid down and still looks healthy)

    If the lady was a larger plus size model would there be as many negative comments? just look at my ticker a stunning, beautiful woman not known for been the smallest model but she still has bits sticking out!