Preparing meals for the day/ week Help

hi, I am a mom, pt technician, and a student. There are days where I leave the house at 8 and don't get home until 10 or I just get an hour at home in the late afternoon. I have seen the best results when I pack and bring food for the day with me, so that I can eat every 3 to 4 hours, because once I get past the point of hungry, my diet goes out the window and I just want what ever is easy and close by. The problem that I am having is preparing time... and food variety. I try to eat a protein, a slow digesting carb, like a sweet potato or brown rice, and a veggie. However I hate chicken microwaved, it has a nasty after taste to me, and brown rice gets crunchy, left over... and I've never been a salad person, I usually go with steamed veggies of some kind. Any meal ideas, meal preparing ideas, or tricks to reheating chicken and rice would be very appreciated! O and I am always open to new weight loss buddies :).


  • crdav13
    crdav13 Posts: 53 Member
    Quinoa, shrimp, and veggies...yum! Another option is quinoa, shrimp, avocado and spinach that way you don't have to worry about heating it up. Packets of tuna salad with Kashi pita crisps, whole wheat pasta with ground turkey and veggies....these are things I've been bringing in to the office for lunch. I also keep think thin bars in my purse (white chocolate is my favorite) its has 20 grams of protein and helps keeps me from eating everything in sight when I get hungry.
  • mcubed85
    mcubed85 Posts: 6
    Sliced fruit is a great thing to bring with you. It's easy to eat and so many vitamins/nutrients. Try mixing it with high fiber cereals (like Kashi Go Lean Crunch) and greek yogurt. Hummus and carrots/red bell peppers/ broccoli/ mushrooms are delicious and satisfying. I try to make interesting sandwiches, like veggies and hummus on whole wheat or turkey and lowfat cheese on an english muffin (if you've got a toaster oven, it's a great way to get a hot meal). I always keep nuts, dried fruit and Luna bars at work or in my purse. That way when you get hungry, there are a variety of options to provide balanced nurtrition, not just empty calories. Mainly I'd say, just get creative and keep a lot of things nearby.
  • AshleyDR
    AshleyDR Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks girls :)
  • ProjectLGD
    Can you buy produce that has been precut? It cost a little more but how much is YOUR time worth? (I make $15/hr and it would take me about an hour to cut up celery, peppers, carrots but they don't charge $15 for the package.) Is it worth a couple of extra bucks to stay on plan? You bet!!! Depending on your plan, try prepackaged single serving items like raisens, yogurt, cheese sticks, nuts and I like the little 1/3 less fat cream cheese squares or a wedge of laughing cow to add protein and fat to my veggies. Yes it is processed but most 'grab and go' items need to be to last a day in the purse or backpack.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    Do you enjoy eating every 3-4 hours? If not, you don't have to eat that often or, if you wanted, you could eat more often. Meal frequency is largely irrelevant.

    Maybe consider abandoning brown rice for a carbohydrate that is better cold. You don't need a slow digesting carb, so you have a lot of options.

    Also, consider switching out chicken for a different meat that may better suit your situation. There's so many meats out there, why limit yourself to chicken, especially if you dislike how it fits in your schedule?

    If I'm busy, my go-to meal is tex-mex-style tacos. I love them hot, cold, or warm. I'm also a huge fan of beef and broccoli or steak stir frys.
  • enchantedbunny
    Can you buy produce that has been precut? It cost a little more but how much is YOUR time worth? (I make $15/hr and it would take me about an hour to cut up celery, peppers, carrots but they don't charge $15 for the package.) Is it worth a couple of extra bucks to stay on plan? You bet!!! Depending on your plan, try prepackaged single serving items like raisens, yogurt, cheese sticks, nuts and I like the little 1/3 less fat cream cheese squares or a wedge of laughing cow to add protein and fat to my veggies. Yes it is processed but most 'grab and go' items need to be to last a day in the purse or backpack.

    Thank you!! I use the same justification for buying precut veggies, especially mirepoix. Although recently, I try to make some time on the weekend to do the prep work for the week. It's easier to cook rather than order takeout during the week if I have little tubs of veggies ready to stirfry. Or celery sticks ready to snack on or chop into a quick tuna salad.

    I agree with the earlier suggestions to bring along high protein meal/snack bars for those on-the-road hunger pangs. Also, Starkist relatively recently came out with tuna in a pouch, which doesn't need to be drained and can be eaten straight out of the pouch!