getting a bad cold :(

Alright, so I woke up this morning and I honestly can say that I feel like complete CRAP... i'm congested, got mucus, am feeling tired, and my nose is dry..

I'm just wondering, when any of you guys get the common cold, does it keep you from working out, or do you think it's better to work out to get rid of it?

I want to work out, and I don't want this cold to stay around, please HELP!


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Take it easy and heal! Drink lots of fluids. I find warm fluids (tea with honey in particular) great on a head cold. Netti pot the nose, flush out what you can. And LOTS of rest. If you exercise at all, take an easy walk. No more!

    When your body is fighting illness, you need to rest. And you need to give it plenty of fuel to heal. So eat a little more too. It will help you get beyond it faster.