Help, not losing weight.

So I started my weight loss journey over 5 weeks ago, I'm not losing weight. I have lost 2 pounds and not measurement loss. I am feeling very discouraged. I exercise almost daily, and on average burn at least 600 calories a workout. It seems to me that with my healthier eating and exercise I should be seeing numbers drop.
Food is a struggle for me, not eating too much, but too little. I find it very hard to eat 1200 calories a day, and that isn't including what I am burning! I could really use some support here...I am feeling very down on myself today, which seems to happen at least once a week since I started this because I am seeing no changes. I do feel stronger, which is least something is changing.


  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    What are your stats? (Height, weight)

    You're probably not eating enough. If it's hard to eat a lot of your calories, try some good foods high in calories, just an example:
  • jrodx2
    jrodx2 Posts: 203 Member
    You mentioned your biggest issue. If you are barley getting to 1200 calories and then burning 600 and working out, you are not even close to supplying your body with the nutrients you need. This can not only cause the issue you are having now but health problems down the road.

    Are you just not hungry enough to eat more or is it a time factor (not thinking you have enough time to make full meals)?

    Follow my FB Fitness Page!
    Be stronger than your excuses: Recipes and inspiration for a healthier life
  • wordpainter09
    wordpainter09 Posts: 472 Member
    Sounds like youre netting 600 per day... Way too low. Your body is probably in starvation mode. Eat more! Id slowlu up cals to 17 or 1800 per day
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    5 weeks is not a long time in the scheme of things! And you've lost 2 pounds already! That is fantastic!
    Are you drinking enough water? Diet drinks do not help a diet! Pure water and unsweetened decaf drinks should be all you count. I drink a minimum of 3-4 liters of nothing but water. And I also drink some flavored stuff, and coffee in the morning, and some tea. Yea, I drink a lot.
    What are you doing for exercise? Intense cardio and weight training are best for weight loss, in combination. It will burn calories but maintain muscles to keep your metabolism up.
    If you're not hungry, you shouldn't force yourself to eat. That's only encouraging bad habits. When you do eat, try to eat foods that are more calorie dense. Make sure you get some fats and plenty of protein. Carbohydrates are usually no problem for most of us, LOL!
    You can do this. It will take a while for you to find what works for you. You have to try eating more, at least. I've actually gone outside my doctor's recommendations and started losing more. Yup, eat more to lose more!
  • I'm just not hungry, I eat till I am full...and some days force myself to eat more because I KNOW I am not getting enough calories in...well I don't "know" it but it's what keeps being said.
  • I am 5'3" and I weigh 202.
  • TurtleTape
    TurtleTape Posts: 254 Member
    Instead of upping your food quantity, add in some calorie rich foods. Add in some extra olive oil or eat some nuts. Find little things that are a lot of calories per bite (and still healthy, mind you) and you can easily bump up your calories without eating five extra bowls of veggies.
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    Nut Butters.... lots of calories in one little bite.
  • 5 weeks is not a long time in the scheme of things! And you've lost 2 pounds already! That is fantastic!
    Are you drinking enough water? Diet drinks do not help a diet! Pure water and unsweetened decaf drinks should be all you count. I drink a minimum of 3-4 liters of nothing but water. And I also drink some flavored stuff, and coffee in the morning, and some tea. Yea, I drink a lot.
    What are you doing for exercise? Intense cardio and weight training are best for weight loss, in combination. It will burn calories but maintain muscles to keep your metabolism up.
    If you're not hungry, you shouldn't force yourself to eat. That's only encouraging bad habits. When you do eat, try to eat foods that are more calorie dense. Make sure you get some fats and plenty of protein. Carbohydrates are usually no problem for most of us, LOL!
    You can do this. It will take a while for you to find what works for you. You have to try eating more, at least. I've actually gone outside my doctor's recommendations and started losing more. Yup, eat more to lose more!

    This made me cry. Ugh, I am being too hard on myself and I know it. For exercise I walk, about 5-6 miles; elliptical 30m, general aerobics about 50-60m. Last I walked I was carrying 2lb weights. When I do the elliptical my routine is to walk 1.5m to the gym, then 10m of general aerobics (sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks, squats ect) then 30m elliptical, and then I walk the 1.5m home.
    Change my foods, higher calories. I need to visually see adequte menus...I am a visual person. My diary is public, I thought I was doing great, apparently not.
  • Jameslemond
    Jameslemond Posts: 60 Member
    you eat really well.
    I would start eating more healthy snacks during the day
    you need to eat something ever 2-3 hours. ( veggies, nuts, protein shake etc)

    dont skip meals eat 5-6 meals a day - edit times to fit your schedule 8am,10,am lunch, 3pm 5pm dinner

    make sure you are drinking plenty of water
    since you are working out so much and burning calories i would increase your daily calories. you should never have net calories under 1200...
    i would eat less calories at dinner since its so late and night and spread them out to early in the day, eat more calories for breakfast, mid morning snack and lunch, and then decrease calories in your meals as the day goes in, increasing water to curb cravings...
    I share my diary if you want to look at different foods...

    stay motivated!!! you can do this!!!!!
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I'm just not hungry, I eat till I am full...and some days force myself to eat more because I KNOW I am not getting enough calories in...well I don't "know" it but it's what keeps being said.
    Your metabolism is very slow if that is all you can eat so you really won't be losing any weight except muscle. Try to eat even smaller meals more often and hopefully you body will start doing what its supposed too. On the days that you work out eat those calories.
  • you eat really well.
    I would start eating more healthy snacks during the day
    you need to eat something ever 2-3 hours. ( veggies, nuts, protein shake etc)

    dont skip meals eat 5-6 meals a day - edit times to fit your schedule 8am,10,am lunch, 3pm 5pm dinner

    make sure you are drinking plenty of water
    since you are working out so much and burning calories i would increase your daily calories. you should never have net calories under 1200...
    i would eat less calories at dinner since its so late and night and spread them out to early in the day, eat more calories for breakfast, mid morning snack and lunch, and then decrease calories in your meals as the day goes in, increasing water to curb cravings...
    I share my diary if you want to look at different foods...

    stay motivated!!! you can do this!!!!!

    Thank You!!! You are the first person to tell me I eat well...I keep telling myself this but then I hear I am not getting enough calories. I don't eat crap...I try to eat whole nutritious foods...and I cook everything from scratch so I know exactly what I am putting in my body. Dinner is a hard one as I have 4 kids and they require more food than I. Ok, I can do this. I am going to check out your diary and tweak mine to better fit someone elses....even if I am copycat eating for a week at least then I will better see what I need to do.
    Thanks again.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    Just quickly peeking at your diary, and reading what you posted, I would say you aren't eating enough calories.

    Your suppers are very abundant compared to your breakfasts and lunches, I would maybe curb some of that supper calorie
    count and put it towards your breakfast and lunch count.

    You can up those by eating more health-ful things like walnuts, almonds, any lean protein. I try to crumble walnuts up into any salad I have just for the extra calorie count to counter all the walking I do, else I would be in a huge calorie deficit and I'd lose less weight. Definitely pay attention to your net calories. If you burn 1000 calories a day on workouts, eat some of that back. Chomp a handful of almonds, or walnuts, or make your own granola bars to snack on.

    I am definitely still on a learning curve with my calorie count, so don't think you're alone with figuring this stuff out :) Good luck, and take it easy on yourself.
  • Jameslemond
    Jameslemond Posts: 60 Member
    you are on the right track, just need a little bit of modification... we all do.. you will have to tweak things every 2 weeks or so
    remember its a work in progress and you will have to figure out what works for you.

    if you have a trader joes close - go there

    pick up some cashews, almonds etc, no salt or 50% lower sodium ( high sodium will make you maintain weight/water)
    snack on veggies
  • You need to make sure you eat enough food to feed your body. When you workout you get to eat more and if you don't your body starves and will store fat to feed itself. Also, change up your plan a little to see if your body needs a different plan.
  • roadworthy
    roadworthy Posts: 130
    Hang in there!:) I was exactly the same as you. I could get my calories in if I ate crap no problem. Once I changed some eating habits I felt I would never get enough in a day.

    I have had to make a few mistakes. One of them was burning over 3500 calories per week while eating 1200 and just a few of my excersise calories. After a couple of weeks I felt like my body couldn't do it anymore. I have now upped my calories and try to get in 1500 and I don't work out everyday anymore.

    I find that protein shakes help when I can see that my daily total won't be so great. I try to get them in at breakfast. My all time fave lately is milk, 2 ice cubes, chocolate protein powder and powdered espresso, its amazing!

    Feel free to add me for extra support:)
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 270 Member
    It takes time for the body to adjust and for our ideas/thoughts to adjust with it. Give your body some time, be gentle with how you criticize yourself because the journey has only begun, 5 weeks is no time at all. Our journey to health and wellness never stops. Last but not least, don't forget to eat...FOOD IS FUEL. The car (body) only runs well if we put enough of the right fuel in it.
  • More calories, dear.
    This is easy if you add in nuts or nut-butters.
    I sometimes eat a tablespoon of peanut butter just for the caloric and protein boost.
    It's not very filling - and it will get you to where you need to be without destroying the work you've done.
    You're right, it's not what you eat - but that you're not snacking on healthy throughout the day.
    Snack. Snack. Snack!
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Nut Butters.... lots of calories in one little bite.

    This and other calorie-dense foods-For example, try Greek Yogurt instead of normal yogurt. My current favorite brand is Zoi, the cups clock in around 200 Calories each, but they are packed with excellent live cultures, probiotics and calcium.
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 270 Member
    I saw some great stuff on your diary (ceviche??? yummo!!) Rev up that metabolism by snacking more throughout the day is something I would suggest. Split your meals up and eat every couple hours. Works for me but mine is out of necessity.