husband bought me a mountain bike today

I haven't owned a bike in like 20 years, no less got on one to ride it! But my husband rides, and I wanted to start riding wit him, so we got a mountain bike today, got my helmet and backpack, I'm guessing I should have bought a med kit to keep in my backpack for when I fall off the cliff, they can find me in my neon pink helmet, bike and backpack then use the med kit to clean up all the blood from me falling off the bike! LOL

Now for the winds to stop and it to warm back up again and hopefully I can get out there this weekend with hubby and 2 of the kids and ride ride ride!


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Have fun! I took a break from biking too but once you get back in the saddle it's like you never missed a day (except for the sore butt, legs etc......but that's only temporary!)