Master Cleanse

michlingle Posts: 797 Member
Anyone tried the lemonade, organic maple, and cayenne pepper cleanse? Fasting? Share please, my sister is on day 2, and it's tough, but she's as stubborn as I am and will probably finish it. I'm intrigued, it's the whole competing with your sister business, I know immature. But, if you've done a cleanse, how quickly did the water weight/regular weight return?


  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I did it for 5 days, lost like 14 lbs, and put it back on very quickly.

    I didn't do it to lose weight, I did it to empower myself and show myself I was more powerful than food, that I didn't need to always surrender to it. It was tough, but I did it.
  • eshwok45
    eshwok45 Posts: 21
    I used Zand Quick Cleanse. It's all natural and I kept the weight off.

    good luck! :smile:
  • newDZ
    newDZ Posts: 237 Member
    did it for 12 days, lost 7lbs.... gained 12 back.
  • UltraThinJen
    Where did you get the Zand quick cleanse from?
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    Here's some food for thought (as it were) from Mayo Clinic regarding detox diets
  • kgehling
    kgehling Posts: 20 Member
    All of those "cleanses" are a complete waste of time and money. Not to mention dangerous. All a cleanse is going to do is dehydrate and under nourish your body.

    Save your money and your sanity and take some extra fiber. NO respectable medical professional advocates these.
  • eshwok45
    eshwok45 Posts: 21
    You can get the Zand Quick Cleanse in any natural health food store, Wegmans or online at

    Good luck!:happy:
  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member
    I was on the fence for so many years about cleanses/fasts, until I got to understand them a little better. There are definitely the ones out there, like the "lemonade fast" that I think is useless and does more harm than good - hence many of the posters on here that say they gained all the weight back, and then some - but there are others that offer substance and are effective.

    I did a blog post on the top 10 reasons it's important to "cleanse" or rid your body of unnecessary toxins, every so often.“fast”-or-cleanse”-your-body/.

    I encourage those to read it that may feel they are I learned myself, they are not.

    I've done a 9 day fast start fat burn with the Beachbody line of products and found it to be very effective in weight loss, energy gain and fitness results as I embarked on a new fitness program. AND, kept the weight off! :tongue:

    Best of luck!
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I do the Master cleanse quarterly just to fast and cleanse the toxins out of my body.

    i do not do this to lose weight, but merely to feel better and cleanse myself from the inside out.........

    I don't suffer from yeast over growth any longer, indigestion issues, flatulance, skin break outs, etc.......

    So, it has its benefits, even though it may not be weightloss..............
  • cdh1234
    cdh1234 Posts: 5 Member
    This is great to lose 10 pounds for a special occassion, but not as a good diet plan. You will lose pounds fast - I did, but they come back very quickly when you start eating again.
  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363
    I do the Master cleanse quarterly just to fast and cleanse the toxins out of my body.

    i do not do this to lose weight, but merely to feel better and cleanse myself from the inside out.........

    I don't suffer from yeast over growth any longer, indigestion issues, flatulance, skin break outs, etc.......

    So, it has its benefits, even though it may not be weightloss..............

    Where can I find informatino on the master cleanse program? I'm looking for the detox benefits not weight loss.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363