I'm slipping

smadag1 Posts: 1,368
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
I am losing my motivation. I have not done a hard workout since last wednesday. I am still trying to watch what I eat but the motivation to workout is not there. Anyone have some tips or advise to kick my own backside back into working out. I am afraid I will never break this stupid plateau I have tried changing my workout and zig zaging my calories but nothing helps. Someone kick my butt PLZ.


  • Lesli
    Lesli Posts: 46 Member
    Think of buff celeb bodies like Madonna, Jessica Biel, etc.
    The more lean muscle you have the more calories you burn, the better you look, etc.
    Put on a bathing suit and stand in front of the mirror...whatever it takes to get you on the treadmill, to play a DVD, take a walk....just get active. We can do this!
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    go to the gym today and do something. Anything. For any length of time. Just get dressed and go. The more time you take off the lower your motivation will be.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Do something to get yourself excited about exercise again - buy a new exercise video that looks fun, get a new workout outfit to wear to the gym. You could also find a buddy that you can workout with to hold you accountable for showing up. Try telling yourself that you're just going to do a quick and easy 10 minutes... usually once you get started, you'll do a lot more. AZWildCatFan is right, the longer you stay down, the harder it will be to get back up. You can do it!
  • jog in place. it's easy, and you can watch whatever you want on TV for enjoyment. i warn you though, when you jog in place, ONE MINUTE seems like an HOUR!
    also, some more ways to motivate yourself: picture yourself at your goal weight and think about it. you're not going to get there by doing nothing, right? people have said this to me before and i've just been like "blah blah yeah yeah i know already!!" but it never really sunk in until i decided to let it sink it. just realize that you CAN do it no matter what you tell yourself. You can tell yourself, "I'm going to get up and go for a jog today." and either DO IT or not do it. it has a lot to do with changing your mindset. I had the WORST mindset before. I didn't wanna do it, I thought i COULDN'T do it, actually getting up and walking out the door to go for a jog sounded a lot harder than it really is. I was too lazy. and then, one day, i decided... NO MORE EXCUSES. LET'S DO THIS! you just have to force yourself into the right mindset. and if you think it's hard getting into a brand new, motivated, pumped-up mindset, just remember that you're the only one keeping you from getting into that mindset. push ALL your negative feelings aside, and fill yourself up with good, motivated feelings.
    you CAN do this. deep down, you know it. now you just gotta DO it.

    good luck, babygirl!
  • oh yeah, another motivator: go to the Success Stories and read some. it really opens your eyes and helps you realize THIS IS POSSIBLE. people have done it!
  • xStargazerx
    xStargazerx Posts: 100
    You know what helped me when I needed that pick me up. Start getting dressed to workout. Once your dressed, there's no need not to workout.
  • newDZ
    newDZ Posts: 237 Member
    drink lots of h2o, even if you think you're drinking enough drink more. i also like looking at the before and after pictures.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Sometimes it's that "hard workout" that puts you into that mode. It was hard, I was tired after it. I don't have the energy to do that workout again.

    Perhaps some lighter type of workout 10-15 mins here and there to help get motivated.

    Someone from the biggest loser said this, and it sunk in.
    " I'll find myself watching 3 hours of tv every day, but I would say I didn't have time to workout."

    That was me before:grumble: N
    Now, I'll go do my hour of walking, THEN I can watch tv or get on the internet.

    My first long walks, I would think this is long, i'm tired, my legs are sore. But I just push through, one foot in front of the other. I take my MP3 player and that definately helps me.

    So here's a push!!!:flowerforyou:
    Once you read these messages. Go out for a 15-30 min walk. You can read more messages when you come back.
  • kioko
    kioko Posts: 1
    go on YouTube and listen to some real talk about the same issues you have. very inspirational.
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter

    Just do something special you like to do, even just going to get a hair cut and getting a new bathing suit was enough to get me out of the house and motivated to not think about the food in the house and focus on relaxing with a cup of tea or coffee, visiting a friend or helping someone else helps you. Not to mention stop thinking so hard about the goal and think about living life for today eating healthy today and getting a 30 minute work out in with some great music and move your body. The weight will come off weather you think about it or not...
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member

    Coldplay - Viva La Vida

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