All Parents: Funny Stories

What is your all time favorite funniest story from your kids?

Mine and my husband's is the same. One very rainy day we took our two little boys (Jacob, 3 and Joe, 1) to McDonald's to let them run off some energy in the play area. My husband and I sat down at a little table with some coffee and were watching our boys and talking. We were the only family in there.

In walks a very classy, polite, nicely dressed family. A dad, a mom, a little boy, and a little girl. Their kids immediately started playing with our kids. The couple was very nice, but very proper. They asked us a few polite questions but mostly kept to themselves. My husband and I are polite and nicely dressed too, but we knew and they knew, we were just very different. My husband and I are extremely laid back and we love to laugh. They were very reserved and quiet.

So all was well until, for no apparent reason whatsoever, my three year old little boy goes up to the hoity toity mom, and as loudly as he can, says "P.U. Your bottom smells!"

Her face, and mine, turned blood red. I was getting ready to hide under the table when I looked up at my husband. He was trying so hard not to laugh his shoulders were shaking. Then I lost it. It was one of those moments when you know you are absolutely under no circumstances supposed to laugh. But we were hysterical. Tears rolling down our faces. The couple actually got up from their table, got their kids, and left!!!

When we were finally under control, we talked to our son about speaking nicely, and being respectful, but they were too far gone to apologize. We asked our son where in the world he picked that up, and he told me that I say it to his little brother when I change his diaper, which was true. A year later, this story still makes me start laughing.