Only 30DS enough exercise?

I'm trying to lose body fat and tone up (weight loss is a bonus) and I'm sticking to a 1,500 calorie budget. My question is, is the 30 day shred exercise everyday sufficient or should I do some cardio in the gym on top of that?


  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 208 Member
    Well I do Jillian's Ripped in 30 and cardio. I'm losing a few pounds and losing more in inches but as far as toning up big time I think I will have to eventually do some real strength training or a different video. There is a little strength training in her videos but i'm not sure it's enough to get a lot of definition.I'm definitely seeing a difference in my muscle tone but I can tell I will need a little more "sumpin sumpin" soon. If I was you I would do something in addition to the 30 day shred because it isn't a very long workout. I'm not experienced enough to tell you about a strength training routine but if you want to tone up that would definitely help.