Runners: how do you deal with a mental block?

sarafil Posts: 506 Member
I am a relatively new runner, training for my first 10k. I find that often my mind stops me long before my body actually needs to's like I psych myself out with negative thoughts. Any suggestions on how to keep pushing through the psychological side of running long distances? My goal is to run a half marathon in September, so I think I really need to work on the mental side of running, a well as the physical training. Any suggestions on what works well? I do listen to music, which I have found helpful, but I think I need more strategies.


  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    My brain regularly tries to say I can't go any further. I haven't got it completely managed myself (and don't know if I ever will!) but when it happens, I have try to counter the negative talk immediately - sometimes aloud. I have a few mantras I use, and try to find some awesome music right away - if I'm rocking out, I can't hear the voice that says I have to stop.

    Alternately, I pretend I'm being chased by zombies. Works every time. ;)
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    love the zombies tip...I'm going to use that! I think I need to get some mantras going, too...I've tried that before without much success, but I think there might be something to saying them outloud. Thanks for your suggestions!
  • EvaJ20
    EvaJ20 Posts: 33
    I have a great song on repeat when I get into a funk...something that always get me motivated (it changes from month to month). I also think about getting old...and how one day I won't be able to run and how I should push myself to do it while I can. For some reason this always works. I just did a 15k without training and played the same song on repeat for 1 hour and 25 minutes. LOL.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    love the zombies tip...I'm going to use that! I think I need to get some mantras going, too...I've tried that before without much success, but I think there might be something to saying them outloud. Thanks for your suggestions!

    Honestly, I feel like a complete fool talking to myself, but it works for me. If I'm running my mouth, it's hard to hear the internal dialog. :)
  • 99cherrypie99
    99cherrypie99 Posts: 205 Member
    I ask myself questions - how do my legs feel? How's my breathing? If the answer is fine then there is no reason to stop. I tell myself to just put one foot in front of the other and keep going.
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    I just did a 15k without training and played the same song on repeat for 1 hour and 25 minutes. LOL.

  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I just started too, a few weeks ago anyhow, and am working my way up to 10k. Just today I tried something new, I set runkeeper, which I use to track my running speed and distance, as well as time the intervals, to tell me each kilometer how far I've come and how fast. And with each one i am like 'yay, and my average speed is higher than usual too!, that really motivated me... Yeah, my trail isn't as long as I'd like, bu I ended up running (/walking) 9k today. Binging on carbs yesterday sure helped too, but I am feeling a little guilty about that...
  • 19howie78
    19howie78 Posts: 29
    I only started running seriously 2 weeks ago,, and on wednesday morning i decided to do my first 10 k,, which actually ended up being more like 11k.. anyway,, i managed it in 1 hour 24 minutes,, not a bad time for a 16.5 stone chunky butt lol,, i found having good music, and by that i mean something with a beat that i can run to, on my iPod paramount to success...
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    The key is training. You just have to train long enough and occasionally fast enough that you develop the confidence needed so your mind does not shut you down.

    Each time you go just a little further or a little faster your mind learns that that barrier no longer exists.
  • CrazyLazyStylist
    CrazyLazyStylist Posts: 65 Member
    Mental hits me all the time during C25K
  • nmcneill16
    i set a goal before i start as to how far i am going to go. i know if i set the goal, i have to do it. plain and simple:)
  • christina_theresa
    christina_theresa Posts: 290 Member
    Running outside and listening to music really helped me when I first started running. I would really start to zone out after awhile and not realize that I am running. Also, if you can find a running parter that might help keep you motivated! Good luck!
  • mimstero
    mimstero Posts: 119 Member
    I have been seriously running for about two years now, doing about 6 miles three days a week and a longer run, like 8-10 miles one day a week. Although it is not my favorite thing to do, I do know that I have run these distances tons and tons of times and that I can do it again.
    If I need an extra push, music really helps. But, I also run with my dogs and they do help to entertain me.
    Just keep focusing on your breathing...that's the key to feeling comfortable.
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Might sound silly, but when I want to hang it up for the day, I start planing more food I can eat later. Longer run = more daily calories. DQ Strawberry Delite is a great motivator to keep running. :)
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    Some tricks I use when I run:

    Outside running-
    Set a point in the distance (like a tree or light pole) and pretend you have a rubber band looped around your waist that connects you to that tree or pole (or shrub or whatever). "FEEL" the rubber band pulling you along. Once you reach that point, "loop" another point. This one helps me a lot!

    Treadmill running-
    Put on a TV show or movie that features skinny/fit women and/or has musical numbers. I like to watch Desperate Housewives (I'm catching up on netflix) or Burlesque or Chicago... I mix it up and sprint for the musical numbers or do incline for certain portions of the show. I like this one because if it's a good show it distracts my brain.

    I hang up exercises I want to do and photos of women who inspire me all over my exercise room. When I hurt, I look at these and think about how I want my body to change and how this workout is going to get me one step closer to that goal. If you go to a gym, maybe tape a photo to your phone, or bring a little one to set on the treadmill.

    Mantras are good too. Make it something that means a lot to you, only 3-4 words. Easy to remember & something that can go with your footfalls. My friend Jenny repeats "just keep swimming" from Finding Nemo.

    Basically, you just have to remember it's your mind not your body telling you to stop. You can do it!! Cheers! :drinker:
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    Might sound silly, but when I want to hang it up for the day, I start planing more food I can eat later. Longer run = more daily calories. DQ Strawberry Delite is a great motivator to keep running. :)

    ^^^ That's a great idea too!!
  • OccupyFitness
    I have not been running long so I don't have tried and true techniques. But the mental part I struggle with every time. I find that when it is hard I do one of three things - I count my breaths (one one two two, one one two two) or I use my mantra (don't stop don't stop don't stop) or I tuck my chin lower so the brim of my baseball hat hides the road and I can only see the next few steps in front of me and so it doesn't look like I have far to go.

    I also try and remind myself how good it will feel to complete my goal, how good I will feel. And it is true. I do feel good.

    I find the more I run, the more my mind is able to relax and the running is more meditative and less of a mental struggle and I am hoping that it continues so it becomes more enjoyable.

    Somewhere in these message boards is a thread about running mantras. Some of them were good for me to read.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Might sound silly, but when I want to hang it up for the day, I start planing more food I can eat later. Longer run = more daily calories. DQ Strawberry Delite is a great motivator to keep running. :)

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that. I sometimes spend large portions of my long run planning out my food for later in the day. It almost always involves pizza and dessert (usually chocolate). I need a shirt that says "will run for food"
  • wwk10
    wwk10 Posts: 244 Member
    Great advice.
    Great thread.
    Today was my third day running.
    There is a lot of mental.
  • thermomechanical
    thermomechanical Posts: 1 Member
    One thing that I try to do ... is I consider each and every event that I enter a "training event", rather than my final destination. So, for instance if you are working your way up to run a 10k event, maybe there is a shorter distance race somewhere in your area that you could enter as a means of working your way up to that 10k.

    The reason that I do this, is that I find that when I consciously place myself into something that "feels" competitive ... then some sort of competitive bone inside me pushes me to try harder, way harder, than I would if I were just out running by my house by myself. This has helped me to improve my running (distances, and times) a lot, and perhaps it could work for you too...