got the workouts, need the meal plans.

hey there guys. So i was down to my goal weight(ish), few more pounds to go, and i want to a complete and utter 6 month body transformation. I wanna be that ripped chick at the gym, I know i wont look like a man all bulky and stuff, Ive got the workout plan, but the eting is whats messing me up. I know its a lifestyle change, not just something i will go back to later. But after researching it on the web there is so much differences in types of food you should eat and not eat (i don't wanna go low carb), If shakes are really neccessary, I plan on 6 meals i day, But there are no real meal plans. I eat easy stuff, yoghurts, oats, lean meat, stuff you don't need a tonne of ingredients or spices to prepare (poor, unemployed person right here ), i eat simply and can eat the same thing everyday. I just dont know where to start.
There is stuff out there sying i should have sugar before a workout so your insulin spikes giving you more energy, others say eating certain foods tricks your body into burning fat rather than other energy stores... too much info for a simple person like me.

Anyone got good websites that can point me in the right direction when it comes to planning meals for serious weight training? I wanna do a big cook up on sunday and freeze it all for a week, super easy. I have a crockpot but that is used by other members of the house almost daily so i have access to the limited times.

any help/info/ideas would be helpful, i don't want to get 12 weeks into it and realise I'm not getting results due to the wrong food choices/types of food/ wrong amounts of food.



  • Kai85
    Kai85 Posts: 440 Member
  • fit921
    fit921 Posts: 92 Member
    Options you can enter your goal (build muscle) and a ton of options will pop up. Take this site with a grain of salt, understand that the models are paid to endorse certain products etc... they generally have good meal plans that you can use as a base and tweek what you need.
  • dschavers
    dschavers Posts: 55 Member
    Bump for later.
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    i tried

    they have sample meal plans that are like a day.... i dont think i can eat the same thing for a day for the next 6 months. that and they call for silly ingredients that are either uber expensive or i cant get access too. doesnt help i dont like eggs and each breakfast calls for 6 eggs... eppp...

    anyway im not making excuses, i have searched that site top to bottom and found some good stuff. but a lot of it (especially the forums) it for men, doing huge bulk/cut phases... can women do this o=too? seems silly to overeat now that i lost it all... i dont wanna do it wrong and go back to my pudggy self.