New User, Type I Diabetic (lifelong), Trying to Get This Lar


Well, a while ago I had intended of actually using this app added to my phone. I just let it sit around (much like myself), then deleted it. I was too lazy to make any entries. I've been logging things all my life thanks to the diabetes, and just couldn't bring myself to begin down a road where I'd be doing the same. Turns out, it's been somewhat of a learning experience even in just the 2 days I've done it.

The doc said that it seemed very odd that I cannot lose weight based on what I had reported eating in the past. My lab numbers reflected that I was being honest. He thought I might have possibly put my body into starvation mode, and was therefore hanging onto pounds in order not to waste away. "Interesting", I thought. Now, I'm seeing that according to this app, and the 2 logs I've seen, he might actually have hit the nail on the head. I'm not eating enough. This is the weirdest revelation. I have to retrain my body's metabolism and eat more. Who knew?