Women lifting ....



  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member

    But it was her physiotherapist she saw, you'd THINK she'd have a decent understanding of the body.......

    I would think so too but when my dad had his stoke it was basically the same cookie cutter bad workout advice. They pretty told him forever to do a million reps of 2lb weights. I can't possibly see how he can gain any strength doing that.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Do you think you may have not heard her correctly. Or that she made an honest mistake. 3 kg is less than many newborns weigh.

    Perhaps you should have taken it up with her at the time.

    I was putting my jeans back on at the end of the session, I may have misheard, but I don't think so.

    She really made a big deal about male trainers pushing women to far, miming big/burly muscly arms.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    And So It Begins...

    If you have no useful input, why bother?

    Back to the original topic..

    I think a lot of doctors don't know much about diet and nutrition. They're pretty much taught to only prescribe medicine for the most part. I'm not saying people in the medical field aren't useful, but if i need exercise advice I'd seek a trainer. Same if I need nutrition advice, I'd ask a dietician or nutritionist.
    Because this is a free forum and you can't make me say anything worth while.

    2. No Hi-Jacking Topics

    Please stay on-topic within a forum topic. Off-topic or derogatory remarks are disrespectful. Please either contribute politely and constructively to a topic, or move on without posting. This includes posts that encourage the drama in a topic to escalate.

    It's a free forum as in you don't have to pay, not free as in you can do whatever you please and make everyone else have a bad experience. If your life is that boring you need to annoy people in a forum maybe you need a new hobby.
  • Fridaydalek
    Fridaydalek Posts: 28 Member
    3kgs...poor me, I think my boobs weigh about that!!

    Well.... hello there :bigsmile:
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member

    But it was her physiotherapist she saw, you'd THINK she'd have a decent understanding of the body.......

    I would think so too but when my dad had his stoke it was basically the same cookie cutter bad workout advice. They pretty told him forever to do a million reps of 2lb weights. I can't possibly see how he can gain any strength doing that.

    *shakes head* Such as shame specialising, doesn't make you an actual specialist. TBF my mum has had arthritis since she was 16, she went to see her specialist and her and my dad knew more about her conditions/medications/treatments than he did. Hope your poppa got some better advice!
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member

    But it was her physiotherapist she saw, you'd THINK she'd have a decent understanding of the body.......

    I would think so too but when my dad had his stoke it was basically the same cookie cutter bad workout advice. They pretty told him forever to do a million reps of 2lb weights. I can't possibly see how he can gain any strength doing that.

    *shakes head* Such as shame specialising, doesn't make you an actual specialist. TBF my mum has had arthritis since she was 16, she went to see her specialist and her and my dad knew more about her conditions/medications/treatments than he did. Hope your poppa got some better advice!

    That is so true about a lot of "specialists". As for my dad, he's joined my gym with me since last year and has gotten a little better. Just last week he started doing some free weights with me but I still am trying to convince him to see my trainer. Definitely slow progress, but it's getting there :)
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    oooooohhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grumble:
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    I saw my physio today (follow-up for my knee which I had surgery on a month ago) she asked if I was back at the gym yet.

    I said I'd done a few cardio sessions and two (upper body) strength sessions, I mentioned that I'd been really sore after my first lifting session.

    She said "oh that's not good, you must have been lifting very heavy. You shouldn't lift more than 3kgs, a women's frame just isn't designed for it"

    I was shocked. SHOCKED.

    I didn't dare tell her I'd been bench pressing 60kg.


    BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Get a new doctor!!! That is SOOOOO wrong! :explode: Doctors are just people too, they don't know everything....Keep lifting your weights, baby!! You SHOULD be sore. The only way to change your body is to challenge it. What a completely random and moronic thing to tell you! Do your thing, girl! Lift lift lift! You will NEVER regret it. :flowerforyou:

    And BTW, congrats on your strength--60kg bench presses--yeah that'll make you sore :happy: It'll also make you strong, fit, and healthy...enjoy!
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I've not been able to do much strength training on my legs because of my knee injury, so my upper body has had extra attention. I'm allowed to do squats with no weight on this week, so in the next two- three weeks I should be able to do light weights on my lower body too.

    I wouldn't trust the physio's advice for my knee if it didn't all neatly align with what the surgeon said.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    I've not been able to do much strength training on my legs because of my knee injury, so my upper body has had extra attention. I'm allowed to do squats with no weight on this week, so in the next two- three weeks I should be able to do light weights on my lower body too.

    I wouldn't trust the physio's advice for my knee if it didn't all neatly align with what the surgeon said.

    Yes, I can understand that. It makes sense to trust her in her area of expertise, but I wouldn't let her tell you how to work out...she's obviously clueless about that. Sorry about your knee, I know that must be painful :/ Be careful, but you can still find ways to challenge/change your body while protecting that vulnerable area. Best wishes on your journey hon!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Do you think you may have not heard her correctly. Or that she made an honest mistake. 3 kg is less than many newborns weigh.

    Perhaps you should have taken it up with her at the time.

    I was putting my jeans back on at the end of the session, I may have misheard, but I don't think so.

    She really made a big deal about male trainers pushing women to far, miming big/burly muscly arms.

    Right my male trainer pushed me way to far last night.. We did squats, walking lunges, rows/ upright rows,bi-cep curls(all with a barbell) and leg lifts for abs.. I'm so going to get big manly arms from that!

    Glad the advice is working for the knee.. but for the upper body, I'd go ask someone else!
  • 1979rrh
    1979rrh Posts: 83 Member
    That is funny... well then I best quit my job at the farm and drop the heavy weights I have been doing!! That is so silly, keep at what you are doing. If your muscles are tender after you work out, that just means that you worked them and it is perfectly normal... as long as it is muscle pain and not a strain.
    Keep at what your doing... you have lost 40 kg (88 lbs) doing it, and that is awesome!!
  • 1979rrh
    1979rrh Posts: 83 Member
    That is funny... well then I best quit my job at the farm and drop the heavy weights I have been doing!! That is so silly, keep at what you are doing. If your muscles are tender after you work out, that just means that you worked them and it is perfectly normal... as long as it is muscle pain and not a strain.
    Keep at what your doing... you have lost 40 kg (88 lbs) doing it, and that is awesome!!

    ok misread... 20 kg (44 lbs)... still very awesome!!
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member

    Seriously, too many doctors got their degrees from K-mart. When I got pregnant with my first child, I knew absolutely nothing about pregnancy and the internet was still a baby itself. My OB told me to stop all lifting/cardio (I was doing some pretty intense cardio and heavy lifting) and ONLY take light walks. Well, I not only ended up with a serious bout of depression, but I developed toxemia that went UNDIAGNOSED because my BP was pretty low (80/70) when I started thanks to how fit my body was and when it was slightly above "normal" I had to point out how much it had increased. Went onto bedrest, gained nearly 70lbs of water weight, developed a large diastasis (basically my ab muscles ripped in half), had an emergency c-section and almost died.

    My point - interview another physiologist.
  • 1979rrh
    1979rrh Posts: 83 Member

    Seriously, too many doctors got their degrees from K-mart. When I got pregnant with my first child, I knew absolutely nothing about pregnancy and the internet was still a baby itself. My OB told me to stop all lifting/cardio (I was doing some pretty intense cardio and heavy lifting) and ONLY take light walks. Well, I not only ended up with a serious bout of depression, but I developed toxemia that went UNDIAGNOSED because my BP was pretty low (80/70) when I started thanks to how fit my body was and when it was slightly above "normal" I had to point out how much it had increased. Went onto bedrest, gained nearly 70lbs of water weight, developed a large diastasis (basically my ab muscles ripped in half), had an emergency c-section and almost died.

    My point - interview another physiologist.

    Wow... that is scary. I am glad everything worked out.

    I see woman at the gym pregnant all the time. I saw one and I asked her when she was due and she had said in 3 weeks. She looked awesome, she had just a belly and looked very healthy. I haven't had kids, but if ever I do, I hope I am able to still work out.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    lol - everyone stop what you're doing... Women are pretty little flowers that mustn't do too much lest their limbs begin to disintegrate...
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    lol - everyone stop what you're doing... Women are pretty little flowers that mustn't do too much lest their limbs begin to disintegrate...

    ROFL! Is it okay if we're fragile flowers and total bada$$es at the same time? :laugh:
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    lol - everyone stop what you're doing... Women are pretty little flowers that mustn't do too much lest their limbs begin to disintegrate...

    ROFL! Is it okay if we're fragile flowers and total bada$$es at the same time? :laugh:

    Is it ok??? I insist on it! :smokin:
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    I saw my physio today (follow-up for my knee which I had surgery on a month ago) she asked if I was back at the gym yet.

    I said I'd done a few cardio sessions and two (upper body) strength sessions, I mentioned that I'd been really sore after my first lifting session.

    She said "oh that's not good, you must have been lifting very heavy. You shouldn't lift more than 3kgs, a women's frame just isn't designed for it"

    I was shocked. SHOCKED.

    I didn't dare tell her I'd been bench pressing 60kg.


    3 month old baby - 6.3 kilos
    Guess Dad will be doing the breastfeeding then?

    Um average weight of a 3 year old boy is 14 kg



  • kvissy
    kvissy Posts: 205 Member
    lol - everyone stop what you're doing... Women are pretty little flowers that mustn't do too much lest their limbs begin to disintegrate...

    Obviously a man that takes over the cleaning, cooking, chores, etc. He's a keeper! :love:

    Can you please bring in the grocery bags? They're a bit heavy! OK...back to my push presses!