What can you do if you can't exsersize?



  • androde
    androde Posts: 96 Member
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    Honestly, if there are 300, 400, 500, 600 lb pound people exercising you can too. Stop using your disablity as an excuse.
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    Are you able to move your legs a little sitting? There are under a desk type elliptical machines and steppers that you could use while in a seated posistion if your situation would allow...and also a lighter weight resistance bands...again, if your situation would allow. As many people said, a lot of it has to do with nutrition too... but these were my thoughts upon reading your post. Best of luck to you with your journey my dear! I would also ask your doctor if he/she has any thoughts on exercises you could use with your situation....and as one person said, may help improve things a bit for you. I know there is a woman who was in a wheelchair and used p90X I beleive it was...just adapted it as she was able, and lost a lot!
  • angraham2
    angraham2 Posts: 128
    I have Fibro too, the more I exercise the beter I feel. I get about an hour a week before I start paying. But that is increasing slowly. I konw that if I exercise regularly I have fewer "bad" days. I try several different types of exercise. I take a water aerobics class, do some yoga, and walk slowly on the treadmill. Seems to work for me.
  • coconutty420
    coconutty420 Posts: 47 Member
    Honestly, if there are 300, 400, 500, 600 lb pound people exercising you can too. Stop using your disablity as an excuse.

    perhaps a bit blunt but i agree. seems to me there is more on here about what cant be done then to truly find something that can! nothing in life gets handed to us....we all have to work for it...weight loss included. a friend of mine has fibro and teaches spin classes....so there is always that possibility. she is also very strict on a paleo/primal diet (no grains or sugar). im sure this would be worth looking into. if exercise is what you want to you you will find a way...even if it is only for 5 minutes or so!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Have you considered Tai Chi?
  • I am in a wheel chair or sticks but cant stand if i can sit and do it yes i would do it. Swimming is the best i think. It bugs me when people say so and so dose this and has the same illness, i have three and it afects people in so many diffrent ways most of the time i am bedbound. I am serching for something help is one of them
  • coconutty420
    coconutty420 Posts: 47 Member
    i think people say that as a way of giving hope....yes everyone is different and illnesses effect people in very different ways. however....my friend that teaches spin class....was told she will never leave her bed again....wld be lucky to be able to walk to the bathroom. she said *kitten* that! she refused to give up and now is in better shape then most healthy people i know. the difference is her "i can do it all" attitude....and i am sorry but your "i cant do anything" attitude. perhaps harsh and i am sorry. but this world is what we make of it....i admire my friend for her strength and willpower and think that many people would beneift from only 10% of her positivity. good luck to you! there is always a silver lining if you choose to search for it!
    (resistance bands may be a good way to start? you control how tight/loose they are and can easily loosen it up mid exercise if you feel any pain. i am sure they sell a dvd + band combo on the net and you could do this from a bed or a chair.)
  • I use to be a porter the a nurse i walked over 8 miles aday, it was the exserzise that made me worse, my doctor told me that as well. I am positive but i cant do much, doing any thing would kill me, i am on morphine and your friend got a back injurey as well??? If you have nothing nice to say dont, you do no me or my conditions, stop pciking on me i am not weak and i want put up with it
  • wen i'm at my desk i swing my legs. of lift 5lbs dumbells every now and then. alos twist my hips. also to wok back fat i do the back swim with my arms ( rotate your arms as if you were swimmin backwards0 every little bit helps.

    best of luck :flowerforyou:
  • jaynemaria
    jaynemaria Posts: 58 Member
    have M.E menieres disease and rheumatoid arthritis so i know just how you feel. My gp and specialist both told me i would struggle to lose the weight i put on since getting ill,then i found this site and i have lost 30lb since i started and i do very little exercise so you can do it. Please feel free to add me as a friend.x
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    I lost my first 20 lbs through exercise alone, I lost my second 20 lbs just through food management. I am on track to lose the final 20 lbs with a little combo of the two (and when I say little, I mean I'm not doing much more than walking my dogs a couple of times a day). I eat whatever I want, I am never starving, but I do keep within my daily calorie goals 90% of the time. The key is to burn more calories than you eat. You can get those calorie deficits w/o exercising, though adding some exercise will help build muscle that will help burn fat. Consult your doctor regarding exercise he/she thinks you can handle. A friend of mine couldn't walk comfortably, so got a stationary recumbent bike. He's lost 50lbs and now walks 25 min/day in addition to 25 min/day of bike (he started off with 5 min/day on the bike!).

    Good luck!
  • sounds great, yes i think i need to sort the cals out first my support person will take me swimming on Thursday i think i did to much last time, i need to slow down. I liked the row machine but was told no, this is a new doctor so will see what they say. Thanks for the support x
  • coconutty420
    coconutty420 Posts: 47 Member
    I was aiming for honesty and did not mean to offend or hurt you. You took me the wrong way and for that I am sincerely sorry. I believe that you can lose weight without exercise but a sedentary lifestyle would mean strict calorie reduction...so if you can find something it would make it easier. Please do not see my words as picking on you....I was looking to perhaps give inspiration and must have missed that mark. You are a beautiful girl and can do amazing things if you put your mind to it. So much of life is all in how you choose to look at things....and I know u can do whatever you want to! Good luck!
  • tumteetum
    tumteetum Posts: 53 Member
    This may be of interest or not but I've found I can do these workouts on better days (and I am too ill to swim or go to the gym so you should cope ok with them?). They are about stretching and toning rather than cardio.

    This one has a 12 minute totally seated workout. It can get the heart pumping if you choose to really put a lot of energy into some of the moves or you keep it low key and it's about strength mainly. Plus it's cheap when you're just using 12 mins of the DVD! There's also standing workouts which are way too active for me but might be easy for some.


    This one has a 20 min workout which does require at least half of that standing but you can use a chair to support yourself, the other half is seated in a chair. It has different exercises and stretches to the other one so I like the variety. It's aimed at seniors so you have to ignore some of the chat about getting older but it's stretching muscles that are underused as I sit a lot. There's a 2nd more demanding workout if that one is too easy.


    I also do pilates exercises shown to me by a physio for my back problem which predates ME. I've also started using the warm up routine on this DVD which again has different exercises and this time it's all lying down. You can also pick and choose other exercises which I'm doing in conjunction with her manual book


    I've been recommended the Yoga for Fatigue DVD by other ME people which is on my list to buy


    And finally I've just bought a rebounder after reading it can be good for ME and for helping the Autonomic system and things like POTS if you suffer from that as part of your ME. It's also supposed to help with lymph drainage which is important. It needs to be a quality rebounder as the cheaper ones I hear can be too hard on us as we need a gentle bounce with good propelling motion. Message me if you want to talk about that any further? I have loads of links and stuff.
  • wow thats so great thanks for that. There is this class i have found in the sports all i can zip up on my scooter and sit on a chair to do it, going tommorow. I need to look at me now not the past think thats the problem.