3 months of MFP, but 1st time posting on here!

Hi guys

I joined the gym middle of January and have been using MFP religiously, but this is my first time posting today.
Lost 26lb so far, and really proud of myself, but still a long way to go! I'm only 5'2" and my goal is 126lbs, which still feels impossible!
My friends and partner were all with me at the start of the year to kick the flab and get fit, but one by one they're all losing interest!
Anyone want to share some tips?!


  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss so far! That is amazing! I'm 5'2'' as well :) Friend me if you'd like some extra motivation!

    Have a beautiful day! xoxo
  • bosulli1
    bosulli1 Posts: 33
    that's great! feel free to add!
  • DOn't give up and don't get discouraged!!! I started my weight loss journey by doing a biggest looser sort of competition. Infact, I did the 10 week class/competition 3 times in a row and didnt' win at all. But, it got me started. I began at 216 pounds (i'm 5'1''). I am now 158 or so. I had wanted to drop the weight very quickly. In fact, i would have been at my goal months ago, if I lost at the rate I would have wanted to back then. I loose a few and then put one back on, and then I loose some and put another back on. But, all in all, the scale keeps steadily declining. If I had given up each time the scale went up, I wouldn't be feeling as good as I am now. Sure, I'd like to be at my goal and working on maintaining. I know if I can just continue to get back on the horse after a day when I fail, then I will be able to maintain once I finally do reach my goal. I have seen too many people give up when they have had a rough day or week or month. All that to say, DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!