Most muscles for fewest exercises



  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
  • torreblanca2002
    I'm coming from beachbody programs (which are great too, but i'm looking to add mass and muscle to my frame) so being in the p90x school i found the following article so as the article says "P90X is not a system designed for mass." something already feel in my body however i liked to have all my systems (and muscles) worked out, though i still want more mass.

    As the article goes on it evolves in something :

    "Progressive overload
    Hypertrophy is all about creating progressive overload. To create muscle growth, you must keep stimulating the muscles during each workout. This requires that you add weight as necessary to create failure at the desired number of reps"

    Here is where i found stronglifts 5x5 report and after read all of the information (not everything is crap) i found the concept is the same page 21 "I call this method Progressive Loading."

    So while i want mass and muscle i don't want to miss any other muscles and certainly don't want to miss all of my cardio gains, so as the beachbody article proposes i found interesting tips for a hybrid:

    Block 1, phase 1
    Weeks 1 through 3
    Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps
    Day 2: Cardio X, Ab Ripper X
    Day 3: Legs & Back
    Day 4: X Stretch; Ab Ripper X or Abs/Core Plus (from P90X Plus)
    Day 5: Back & Biceps
    Day 6: Yoga X
    Day 7: Off

    Anyone familiar with Tony Horton's programs will understand all periodization and muscle confusion concepts above routine includes 1 resistance day (day 1) followed by Cardio day (day 2) then again resistance (day 3) and here is the litle trick day 4 is yoga so still is some sort of resistance but combined with strecht and all the body muscles (yoga includes push ups, sit ups and other core movements) so that was it, i really liked the concept mixed so i have my following hybrid which i have just started:

    Block 1, phase 1
    Week 1
    Day 1: Stronglifts 5x5 workout A
    Day 2: Yoga X
    Day 3: Stronglifts 5x5workout B
    Day 4: X Stretch; Ab Ripper X or Abs/Core Plus (from P90X Plus)
    Day 5: Stronglifts 5x5 workout A
    Day 6: Cardio X, Ab Ripper X
    Day 7: Off

    Week 2
    Day 1: Stronglifts 5x5 workout B
    Day 2: X Stretch; Ab Ripper X or Abs/Core Plus (from P90X Plus)
    Day 3: Stronglifts workout A
    Day 4: Yoga X
    Day 5: Stronglifts workout B
    Day 6: Cardio X, Ab Ripper X
    Day 7: Off

    And so on till reach the stronglifts 5x5 12 weeks program

    That's it, you will need to read all the documentation (beachbody and stronglifts) to fully understand why i came to this program and adapt it to your needs, cause over the course of time what your body needs will need to become more and more individualized, however i think above routine will help me to achieve my goald of gaining mass and also keep my other systems (and any possible missing muscle) into the mix while achieving my muscle and mass goals

    Hope this helps
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    Here is the link for strong lifts 5x5.
  • Six6xiS
    Six6xiS Posts: 47 Member
    Anything published by Mark Rippetoe or Bill Star is worth a read on this subject. They give great advice on everything from the workout structure to your form during the lifts.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I did Stronglifts 5x5 for 12 weeks. I was very pleased with the results. Starting Strength is an amazing book to get just for the wealth of knowledge in it, and the program is nearly identical.

    I have since moved into a cut, and both have a bit too much volume for me right now, but you can easily get by doing no more than 3 workouts per gym session, 2-3 times a week.

    1. Squats/OHP/chins= full body

    2. Deads/Bench/pulls=full body
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member

    He says add 5lbs every workout, but I think that is too quick to up weight.

    It's not at all if you also start with the naked oly bar like he recommends, but all that is simply to be able to make grandiose marketing claims like "increase your squat by 100 lbs/month!). Well, yeah...cause you told me to start squatting 45 lbs.

    That having been said, it IS very important to start light and nail form. I just NOW really got my head around hip drive on low-bar squats, and I've been squatting heavy since December 2-3 times per week.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    You keep saying that your entire workout only takes 30 minutes total. Do you guys not do the warm up sets and how long do you rest between sets? I find that I am taking close to 30 minutes per exercise?

    When you first start out, there is hardly any weight. When I began SL, it did only take me about 35 minutes. By the time it was over, I was doing 3x5 on every lift and was still there for over an hour.