C25K coming off an injury? I need help from other runners/jo

--I recently (about 1 month ago) injured my Piriformis muscle and since then have had some issues with related/connected muscles (IBT issues and tight/shortened muscles). So I’ve seen a doctor and have a bunch of stretches to do and have been doing the typical rest/ice/NSAID/heat/stretch/REST stuff. I feel like I’m on the way back to normal though but am very nervous about beginning my jogging again.

I figure since C25K is designed for non-runners/sedentary people to be able to slowly work up to running 3 miles, I’m beginning to think it might be a good option to follow the program once I feel up to jogging again. Do you think it’s gradual/slow enough coming off of a running injury, to get back into the swing of things? Or should I be shooting to be even more gradual/slow than C25K (also note that I WILL be listening to my body at this point extra carefully!)


  • johnny_k
    johnny_k Posts: 150 Member
    Having competed the program a while back, I think you could try C25K and back off it it proves too difficult due to your injury. The jogging for the first two weeks is pretty minor and you set the pace you want to run. By the time you get to the 3 minute runs you will know if you are ready or not. The most important thing is to listen to your body and not compound the injury.
  • RosieWest8
    RosieWest8 Posts: 185 Member
    Sounds good to me. =D Thanks!

    Anyone else have any seeds of wisdom? I just have this sick/anxious feeling that the first day I try to do something to get back on track with jogging, I’m going to be in pain again and wish I hadn’t done anything or had a better plan….. maybe I’ll cut the C25K program in ½, and go for 10 (or maybe 15) minutes the first week instead of 20… =/