The fight to lose 10 pounds!!

I have managed to motivate myself to lose weight again, as I kinda gave up on here the first time round.

My goal is to lose 10-14 pounds, which has proved EXTREMELY hard for me as I already have a healthy BMI.

My body is used to consuming around 1400-1600 a day, as this has been my diet for the past year or so (I'm always wary with calories naturally now). So when some people suggest for me to drop my calorie intake to 1300 - I think, well that's only 100 calories less that what my body is used to now!!

I am 5'8 and weigh around 140lbs, which gone up and down from 135 to 136 to 140 back down to 138 and so on within the past year, but I've never been able to actually keep any of these pounds off or get below 135.

Now, I've had some remarks before about my body weight being ideal, and that I don't even need to lose weight compared to some people. But this isn't true at all. I'm not confident being this weight as I am not toned on my arms, legs, or anywhere else for that matter. I don't just want to tone my muscles by focusing on strength/weights I actually want to lose some weight too.

This week I have started with the 1300 calorie limit, and 4 days a week going on my exercise bike for 25 minutes, then 10 minutes running fast, then ab work for 15 minutes and then 15 minutes weights. Is this enough to lose a little weight?

Working full time, and having other people living with me. Temptation is easy and I often find myself reaching for sugary options - even in with the calorie limit. I don't believe there is any way to train this out of my mind though, and I will forever love cups of tea and coffee so no point saying "don't drink them!" as it would probably be impossible for me to give up.

I don't smoke, I have perfect health and I walk to and from work everyday which is 25 minutes fast walking each way, so a total of 50 minutes - 5 days a week.

Does anybody have any tips for someone with a healthy BMI to lose 10 or more pounds? I have tried upping my calorie intake before as well, but this just made me put on more weight - even when the foods were healthier but higher in calories!! :angry:


  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    I would up your calories to maintenance and do strength training. If you try to cut anymore you will lose weight but it will be more than likely be muscle and not fat. I would suggest to up you calories to between 1900-2200 and do strength training as the majority of your work out. You want to be smaller right? You will be smaller but probably the same weight by switching to strength training. Which is better!!!

    Try focusing on your Body fat % and your measurements instead of your weight. They are way more accurate!!
  • imthelobster
    imthelobster Posts: 179 Member
    If your reason for wanting to lose 10 pounds is to look more toned, then you really ought to weight train. Your weight will likely stay the same (or even possibly go up a couple pounds) but you'll lose inches and end up looking smaller overall.