What can you now stomach eating that you once couldn't

Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
Mine is definitely Cottage Cheese........I hated eating it.......awful texture, bad flavor, etc......but it's so good for you so I kept eating it........ Now I don't really mind it at all.....I just eat it and don't almost gag etc......How about you guys (and girls)?


  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Avocados. I never liked them until this past year. I decided to try them again and they weren't too awful so I ate them a little bit more and now suddenly I'm obsessed with them! I'll eat them with a spoon even!

    Edited because I can't type. :P
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Ahh LOVE Cottage cheese :D blend it up in your protein powder and you have a milkshake :D

    Mine is veggies xD I used to hate them. Now I love every veggie besides cauliflower. Soooo yummy :]
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 477 Member
    Oikos Greek Yogurt... At first it was just way too sweet and had a bit "too runny" of a textrure, but now I really like the vanilla brand and enjoy putting granola or fruit in it. Who knew?!!? ;)
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    It's not that I couldn't "stomach" eating fruit/veggies for a snack before, but my whole mindset was waaay different.

    "Fruit/veggies for a snack?! COME ON!!! That's a side, an afterthought, not a SNACK! Now, where are those chips/crackers/cookies..."

    That's how I use to think not too long ago. I've surprised myself with my mindset change. I actually plan out my fruit/veggies snacks, look forward to trying new things (sugar snap pea pods for a snack?...YES PLEASE!!), and I even seek them out in odd places (pit stop at a gas station, etc.). Sure, some days I'm still on autopilot and grab the bag of chips, but I catch myself and grab an apple instead. :smile:
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    I used to HATE tomatoes... unless they were in ketchup or cooked until they were so smooshy I couldn't tell they were there. Now, I like to eat the little cherry ones as a snack, and I actually crave it in a lot of my foods. Who knew?!
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    Mine was tuna. I would never touch it and couldn't get past the idea of it, but now I like it.
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    Oikos Greek Yogurt... At first it was just way too sweet and had a bit "too runny" of a textrure, but now I really like the vanilla brand and enjoy putting granola or fruit in it. Who knew?!!? ;)

    I still haven't been able to get myself to try greek yogurt. I don't like regular yogurt. It's sour tasting.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I've always liked everything, I think that may have been part of my problem!:happy:
  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    Milk...but there has got to be something mixed in it, like slimfast or nesquick. It's a flavor and texture issue. I still do not like most cheeses but I've put some in my diet on occasion, the ones I can handle like american, swiss, mozzerela, and parm.

    I'm not going to waste my calories on foods I don't like no matter how good they are for me.

    Worms are a wonderful source of protien and some bugs are very good for you but that doesn't mean I'm going to add them to my diet either.
  • happyprettygirl
    Non-fat plain greek yogurt. i used to only buy the sweetened kind, but comparing the protein/calorie content:
    (12g 120 calories sweetened vs 18g 100 calories plain) i started going for the plain kind and just added fruit to sweeten it instead. now i love it. it's like a sweet/sour mix.
  • MysticalCupcake
    I've always liked everything, I think that may have been part of my problem!:happy:
    I agree..... there isn't much I won't eat!
  • fortymonks
    Black Coffee, Its my new best friend.
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    Ahh LOVE Cottage cheese :D blend it up in your protein powder and you have a milkshake :D

    Mine is veggies xD I used to hate them. Now I love every veggie besides cauliflower. Soooo yummy :]

    same here, veggies! I went about 40 years barely eating them, now I just about love all of them.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    cottage cheese
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    raw oysters Love them now I used to hate them they made me gag
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Greek yogurt! It turned out I was eating the wrong brand/flavor. Now that I eat Chobani brand, I LOVE the stuff!

    I still can't eat fish... or eggs.
  • Heidi_M78
    Heidi_M78 Posts: 143 Member
    Cottage cheese
  • Rick_SH
    Rick_SH Posts: 71 Member
    Salad. Never ate a salad till I got to 50 years old. Now I love them.
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I've always liked everything, I think that may have been part of my problem!:happy:

    you and me both!!! :laugh:

    I disliked (or thought I disliked) cottage cheese as a child, but I :heart: it now!! And celery! I adore celery!!!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    My tastes haven't changed at all. =( I still think veggies are gross.