People who weigh themselves daily



  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    I weigh myself 2x weekly - I feel this makes me more accountable than just 1x week, but I don't obsess as much as if I was doing it daily.
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    I also don't really trust scales. I have owned several where I can weigh myself once pick it up and set it down and then get on again in a few seconds and it will change my reading by 2 or 3 pounds! Even digital scales. They just aren't that acurate I guess...

    You need a different scale then. If I step on and off it a few times it will read the exact weight including the tenth after the decimal point every time. When was the last time you purchased a digital scale?
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    Just to give an idea how weight fluctuates. I did the following to prove a point to my daughter who was obsessed with weighing herself and then would get discouraged when she was eating right, working out and seeing erratic results. I weighed myself on the same scale about 8 times one day. I weighed in when I woke up, before and after meals and before and after the health club. My weight fluctuated within a 5.3 pound range that day.

    I've done this before too, just out of curiosity! So crazy :laugh:
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    I am one of them. I know it may not be for everyone, but it seems to keep me inline more then if I weigh monthly or even weekly. My question is how do you handle your weight fluctuation!? This is driving me crazy. I work hard all week on my calories and workouts staying within my calorie limits (sometimes not eating enough, bad I know) but it seems like every Monday morning I am up 5+ pounds! I know this is my sodium intake I allow myself a cheat meal and normally have a few beers. But really? 5+ pounds!? It takes me all week to lose that extra weight that I have put on...then it's the weekend again. It is so frustrating!:explode: Do I really have to give up my one cheat meal a week? Anyway I am hoping maybe someone can relate and give me some advise on what has worked for them. Thank you in advance!

    I weigh myself every morning as soon as I wake up, I only enter my weight loss when it drops below my last mark. If I don't weigh myself at the same time every day you will see a big fluctuation in weight. I have weighed myself at night and woke up and was 5lbs lighter.

    If you are working the plan exercising and eating less calories than you burn, you will be loosing weight. Even if Monday I'm 180 Tuesday I'm 182 I know that there is no way I gained two pounds in a day so its probably water weight. As long as I stick to the plan as the week goes on it will drop below 180 at some point and I log it.
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    Is your overall trend a loss? I weigh daily and I know and expect that there will be fluctuations. The fluctuations don't always follow what I think they will based on my diary (i.e. sometimes the morning after a "bad" day I will actually have lost a bit and sometimes after 2-3 days of working out and staying within my calories (including eating back excercise calories) I will actually have gained a bit) but as long as my 3 month graph shows a downward slope I don't get too caught up in it.

    Also, when counting my mini-goals, I don't count it as having met my goal until I have 3 consecutive days where I'm at or below my goal. Getting to 190 lbs was my last mini-goal. I had one day last week where I weighed in at 189.8, but I jumped back up to 190.4 the next day. So I didn't count it as being met until this week when I had 3 days in a row under 190! Now on to 180....

    I do the same as you. I don't officially record a new weight until I go 3-4 days without ever reaching that weight.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    You have to get it into your head that fluctuations are perfectly normal. Water weight, food intake, exercise, post-exercise water retention, TOM and others all play a role in your weight. And they all fluctuate daily. If you are up 5+ pounds after the weekend, there can only be two reasons in my eyes. 1. You're doing too big of a cheat. 2. You're allergic to something you only have on the weekends. The only time my weight would jump that high is if I had something with yeast in it, seeing as I'm allergic to it. Otherwise I'm always within 2 pounds or so of the previous day (give or take a little extra around TOM!). Once you understand the little fluctuations you see every day, you can weigh every day and not drive yourself nuts! It used to drive me crazy, but it doesn't any more. I've learned a lot about my weight variations, and my own health with the daily weighing.
  • McLifterPants
    McLifterPants Posts: 457 Member
    I weigh in every other day because I feel like it keeps me more aware of what's going on with my body. I always weigh myself first thing in the morning, after I've used the bathroom but before breakfast, to provide the least possible variance. I've never noticed more than a 1 lb fluctuation with this method unless I've *actually* gained. So my question to you is, when you cheat, how much do you cheat? My goal calories are 1200 in a day, so on a cheat day I rarely go over 1800, usually closer to 1600. If your cheats are really bad, you could be undoing all your work from the week! Try to still log what you eat even when you cheat so that you don't get too far off track. Remember, a pound is approximately 3500 calories. Also, if you feel the need to really binge, try to only do so every other weekend instead of every weekend, and you may see longer lasting results.
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    I also don't really trust scales. I have owned several where I can weigh myself once pick it up and set it down and then get on again in a few seconds and it will change my reading by 2 or 3 pounds! Even digital scales. They just aren't that acurate I guess...

    You need a different scale then. If I step on and off it a few times it will read the exact every time. When was the last time you purchased a digital scale?

    Agreed -- my old scale did this too. I bought a new one, and I have absolutely no problems with it.
  • drewbird911
    drewbird911 Posts: 120 Member
    Instead of skipping your cheat meal, you could increase your exercise for that day. It'll give you a sense of earning your cheat meal and do some damage control on the calorie frontier. =)
    I like this approach, I've been trying this. I don't always log on the weekend but should.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I also don't really trust scales. I have owned several where I can weigh myself once pick it up and set it down and then get on again in a few seconds and it will change my reading by 2 or 3 pounds! Even digital scales. They just aren't that acurate I guess...
    A flat surface will get rid of the inaccuracy. My scale, no matter how many different ways I step on it. It reads the same if i step on 5 times. Tiled floor can cause a fluctuation in the stability of the scale. Or maybe you need a new scale.
  • melbot24
    melbot24 Posts: 347 Member
    I have been experiencing this exact same thing! I'll be good all week. Have one cheat meal on the weekend and I'm up 5+ lbs on Monday! It's soooooooo frustrating.

    This is what I decided to do and I'm only trying it this week so I'll let you know how it goes...

    I decided that I didn't want to reward myself with a cheat meal anymore.
    If I wanted to have a piece of chocolate or some fro-yo or whatever during the week, I'd have it.
    I would just make sure that I made more good choices than bad ones for the day.
    And if I knew I was going to cheat I'd try to do it in the morning so I had the rest of the day to burn it off.

    That way you're not building this excitement and anxiety over one meal but you're spreading your rewards throughout the week.
    I'm still going to reward myself this weekend by not working out (I worked out everyday this week) and by getting a massage.
    I feel like looking forward to a meal or food in general can get dangerous and might be costing me (us) all our hard work!
    If we know it's our only cheat meal all week we might overindulge without realizing it.
  • ajfrench
    ajfrench Posts: 323 Member
    I weigh myself daily, and allow myself a cheat day, usually on Saturday. So I record my weight each Friday to give me time to work on anything I might have gained Saturday.
  • ahni77
    ahni77 Posts: 75
    I was having the exact the same problem for months. But I refused to give up my cheat day (which turned into entire weekends), my beer and the sugar in my coffee. I was stuck at a plateau for months because of this. a lot has changed in the past few weeks. I now log in EVERYTHING (so long cheat days), I gave up sugar in my coffee, I've cut back on beer about ten fold and increased my workout time. I'm now dropping weight at a steady pace again. Weighing in every day definitely helps me stay focused but I don't deprive myself of the good stuff. Instead of a slice of deep dish pizza (my favorite), I'll now have 1 or 2 slices of thin crust... BUt not before stuffing my face with salad :) Keeps me from over eating. Instead of a 6 pack of blue moon, I know have 1 or 2 miller lights. It's quite an adjustment and it took me some time. But once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature. Good luck!!!
  • vabrewer33
    vabrewer33 Posts: 185
    I weigh up to 5 lbs heavier at the end of the day...I agree with the other posts about looking at the big picture of week to week. you can still step on the scale every day but only pay attention and put importance on the weekly changes. Don't let the day to day changes upset or discourage you!!! You've got this! :)
  • Dimplybutt
    Dimplybutt Posts: 123 Member

    I weigh myself every morning as soon as I wake up, I only enter my weight loss when it drops below my last mark. If I don't weigh myself at the same time every day you will see a big fluctuation in weight. I have weighed myself at night and woke up and was 5lbs lighter.

    I'm a daily weigher .. and do the same as above :smile:
    I also don't take it too heart if I'm a little higher than the previous day, just as I don't jump around doing the hippy-hippy shake if I'm a little lower than the previous day. :wink:
  • VanessaMFaulkner
    I use the scale to tell me if I need more water. Fluctuation is usually me needing more water, I need to poo, or I'm getting ready for TOM.
  • VeganPanda
    VeganPanda Posts: 582 Member
    Exactly why I don't have a cheat day. I feel it negates all of my work. So if I am craving something I have a bit that day, but not enough to ruin everything. If you aren't seeing weight loss, then you just may have to get rid of that cheat day and make it a lifestyle change to eat healthy every day with moderate treats just once in a while.
  • TiffanyDawn79
    TiffanyDawn79 Posts: 201 Member
    Fluctuations are normal and they're nothing to worry about IF the general trend is down. But if I'm understanding the OP, that's not the case. Changing her weigh-in day would result in a steady loss of zero. Maybe I misunderstood? But it looks like she's saying she gains 5 pounds over the weekend, and that's all she loses during the week.

    I normally record my weight on Friday. Sometimes I will be down .2 of a pound but sometimes I am down 1.6 pounds come Friday morning and sometimes nothing at all ( No change today :grumble: ) I have lost 17 pounds in 90 days so far so I am seeing a change. And it is a cheat meal not a cheat weekend I just take the number on the scale to personal I guess. I do not make a note of my weight everyday though so I think I am going to try this and look back in a month ortwo and see if I notice a pattern. Thank you so much for all your input!
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    All this talk about weighing yourself every day... To several times a day, has me exhausted just thinking about it. You should log it as some light cardio. ;)
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Do I really have to give up my one cheat meal a week?

    Slight day to day fluctations in your weight are normal, has alot to do with water retention. I deal with it by expecting them based on how dehydrated I feel when I wake up, and by realizing it is the trend over time (weeks) that counts, not the day to day.
    However, if you are CHEATING and not staying under your goal some days, then YEAH, you obviously are undoing some or all of your hard work you put in during the week.

    You can eat things you want, just STAY UNDER YOUR CAL GOAL EVERY DAY (unless you "save up" cals for the weekend, which might be a good option for you).

    If you are going to do something give it your all!