Not sure what to think, some advice needed please :)

Hi all,

Before I found and started on MFP I would eat very little compared to what I should and goto the gym every other day, burning around 800 calories in the process! I would be losing 1lb a week approx. I don't think I was eating enough and I was gaining muscle so that woukd account for some of the weight gain.

Anyway last week I found MFP, tracked all my calories and ate my exercise calories and tones my exercise down so I was just walking. I lost 4lbs that week :) This week Im still doing so but I've only lost 1lb and today I put that back on :(

I know i'm probably worrying over nothing. But should I change some things up a bit? Like not eating exercise calories or converting my walking into running again. I'm basically looking for someone with experience on this, there has got to be someone out there that has been a similar situation? :)

Thanks in advance!