When to Exercise

Is there any evidence that the time you exercise makes a difference? I have tried all times and get WAY different results each time, not necessarily for the exercise but the way I feel afterward. Anyone know?


  • sandas23
    sandas23 Posts: 16 Member
    Rumor has it that exercise first thin in the morning is best. You supposedly burrn more stored fat since you have no food in your stomach...though I can never work as hard in the morning. Work out when you are most comfortable doing so. I try to do it right after work because that is when I tend to get the munchies. An hour work out staves them off, for a little while at least.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I love to work out in the morning. It gets me revved up and ready for the day. Also, I have no excuses later in the day because it is already done!
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    When I work out in the morning, I don't feel like I have worked as hard (probably not awake yet, it takes me a long time to wake up :laugh: ) but if I do work out in the morning, the rest of the day I want to eat everything in sight.

    I had been working (I do medical transcription from home) from 7:00 to 11:00 (breakfast with a snack at 10:00) then working out at 11:00 with lunch afterwards (usually just a salad) but crash at about 2:00.

    When I work out in the evening, I feel exhausted and give up easily AND still want to eat everything in sight.

    I try not to eat anything for about an hour before I work out (before breakfast in the morning). I can't figure out why I want to eat so much after I work out. Any thoughts.
  • Zee75
    Zee75 Posts: 6
    Just a thought... I have read that women that do cardio as well as strength training produce a hormone that stops them from feeling hunger...I wouldn't have believed it if it hadnt happened to me...

    I use to do more cardio thinking the fat would melt off, and now buy doing at least 25-30 minutes of weight training I eat on average 900 calories less per day and most days have to force myself to consume my recommended cals for the day.

    I hope this helps..
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    When I can get myself out of bed, there is no better wake-up call than a good long run.
  • nanaof3luvsjc
    I have heard that u r supposed to exercise in the morning and not before going to bed. I guess it is whatever is best for you. I like to do it in the morning and get it over with.
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I posted this on an earlier thread. I copied from Self.com:

    "When you work out can make a big difference in the benefits you bank. Morning sessions can lower your triglyceride levels for the entire day, even after meals, which helps decrease the heart disease risk. Midday movers can say so long to energy slumps. Exercising in the middle of the day keeps your adrenaline pumping so you're alert throughout the afternoon, while getting fit seems easier in the evening because the rate of perceived exertion for night workouts is lower than for early sessions. "

    I like to strength train in the morning and do cardio after work.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    I work out for 30 minutes in the morning every day. 6 days a week I work out about 4:30pm for 45 min to an hour.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    I love to work out in the morning. It gets me revved up and ready for the day. Also, I have no excuses later in the day because it is already done!