eating 1200



  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    People do not eat exercise calories back because they feel like they need an excuse to eat more. This is simply the more sustainable and healthier approach to weight loss. You will have more energy in the long run and it will help you maintain the lean muscle you already have. If you want to hear success stories, that is fine, but these folks who are only half way to their weight loss goals are not good examples. Wait until they come back asking why their body fat percentage is still high, or they have reached a stall in their weight loss. You have to remember that when you are losing weight, you are losing muscle as well. Eating enough and strength training is way to prevent losing too much of it.

    Exactly. I eat over 2000 calories a day to lose fat. I don't want to lose just weight, but fat. Eating 1200 a day and no exercise calories might work, but you lose a lot of muscle that way. So when people come back wondering why they are at a low weight put still look pudgy and not lean.. welll... there ya go.
  • kenny_johnson
    kenny_johnson Posts: 108 Member
    I couldn't eat 1,200 if I tried. I'd starve -- but I'm also a 343 pound man. However, I have to admit that I scared to to eat too much -- especially when I do feel satisfied. I've been eating between 2000 and 2400 calories a day over the last 4 weeks plus exercising (Power 90 and walking) 6 days a week. I rarely eat back my exercise calories -- unless I'm hungry. I don't usually feel tired or feel like I lack energy (unless I get too little sleep).

    MFP recommends I eat 2200 calories a day to get a 2lb a week weight loss. Because I've ready that I can actually average closer to 1% safely, I haven't eaten back my exercise calories in order to get about an extra 500 calories a day deficit -- which in my mind mean about 3 lbs/week -- which is still less than 1%

    I just hope that doesn't mean I'm screwing up my metabolism or losing too much muscle (I'm doing resistance training). I just ordered a scale that supposed to measure body fat -- which even if not completely accurate, should at least tell me progress and give me a better idea of what my Lean Body Mass is.


    I reckon you are quite safe there, you've got your head screwed on.

    Where did you buy your scales?

    Thanks,. I hope so!. I bought this one. It had good reviews and was inexpensive (compared to others I've seen):
  • birdieintx
    birdieintx Posts: 298
    I'm sure you can lose weight this way. But why would you, when you don't have to?

  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I never eat back exercise calories. I consider them part of my margin for error. My assumption is that one way or another I have underestimated my food calories and over-estimated my exercise calories.

    I also don't consider the 1,200 number sacrosanct. People have different calorie needs. A very low-calorie diet would be difficult to sustain, but I have read an article quoting a study concluding that the theory that with very low calories you can easily put yourself into starvation mood and consume muscle is not accurate.

    If you weigh yourself regularly and keep records of your body fat composition and measurements, it shouldn't be too difficult to test these ideas on yourself.

    I've also read that you should worry about your total calorie intake for the week, not the day. Some days you may go over, others, under. It tends to even itself out. You don't want to exceed your weekly limit.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Another post where the OP is looking for people who HAVE done this - not asking for people who havent - yet they are still offering opinions anyway....

    Ive stuck between 1200-1300 for 10 months now and have lost 66lbs (almost 30kgs). I dont eat my exercise cals back unless I have a special occasion like going out to dinner or having pizza on rare occasions.

    Ive lost consistantly. I run around 40kms a week (have a half marathon in two weeks), and I lift heavy weights twice a week. I also lift heavier than most other women at the gym - even those I see there every day. I have real muscle, am toned and fit. Have also (for work, I am a nursing student) just had full bloods done and there is nothing wrong with my thyroid or metabolism as a result of what Ive been doing. Im 5"1.

    I agree completely that its not for everyone. If you are hungry, grumpy or feel deprived then dont do it. DecemberChild said its important you eat the right foods for this to work and thats 100% right. Im lucky, I love my salad sandwiches and veggies - so this is right for me.

    Youre welcome to check out my diary for ideas and I have before and in progress photos on my profile.

    And please dont come on here telling me what I am doing is wrong. Ive heard it all before - but its my body, so jam it.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I'm sure you can lose weight this way. But why would you, when you don't have to?


    If it worked and you got quicker results, it might be worth it for some people, who otherwise would get discouraged.
  • straitcrzyMary
    straitcrzyMary Posts: 75 Member
    I started out at 1200 calories. I had really bad headaches. I have now increased to 1300 calories a day. I feel much better. I do not use my exercise calories. I stay within my 1300 calories. If I do go over it is okay with me.
  • applekoko19
    applekoko19 Posts: 85 Member
    I have been on a low calorie diet, lots of protein and very little processed food... It is working very well. When I upped my exercise I upped my cals too but not eating back exercise cals. Best wishes and just do whatever you feel happy doin hat you feel you can sustain.

    Lots of people talk about not being able to handle a 1200 cal diet as it's too low for them... This has not been true for me but we're all different!
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I've been eating like that (1200 no matter how much exercise), and I am losing at the rate of 1 lb. per week. Now I am sedentary, and a senior, so my calorie allotment is low to begin with. If I were a mom with a young baby, I would be plenty more active than the 2 hours of exercise I tend to get in daily.

    So what you need depends upon your age AND your activity level.

    That being said, you can eat 1200 calories and not be hungry if you make sure that you are not eating empty calories. For example my breakfast is old fashioned rolled oats cooked into a porridge, to which 1/2 cup of blueberries, 1 Tbsp ground flax is added. I eat this with 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt. That breakfast sticks to my ribs all day.

    For lunch, I will eat soup, a pasta with a topping of fresh veggies and tofu/tuna/salmon. That is the biggest meal of the day.

    A fruit at 3 pm

    I tend to have two suppers, one at 5 pm, and another at around 8 pm. Both are small meals, and keep up my blood sugar so I don't get hunger pangs.

    Drinking lots of water is key to staying under 1200 cals per day.
  • BreatheSelina_
    My boyfriend lost about 50lbs in two months by not eating over 1200 and exercise.
  • grannygethealthy1111
    Each person is different and you have to discover what works for YOUR body. I ate 1200 calories daily, never ate back my exercise calories, and I have kept the weight off for 2 years. That being said, I am also 61-years-old and only 5'1" tall. My metabolism is NATURALLY slower than someone in their 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s. On maintenance I eat 1400 plus some of my exercise calories back. This is the advice my doctor gave me and I followed it. I did try eating back my exercise calories to lose weight but it did not work for me. Yes, I have an HRM. Yes, I measured each and every bite that went into my mouth. Eating back my exercise calories simply did not work for me when I was trying to lose weight. Good luck in whatever choice you make.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • jarredondo
    jarredondo Posts: 297 Member
    I have a friend that used MFP and lost over 60 pounds. She was never under the 1200. She worked out almost every day but would only eat half of her exercise calories she earned. It worked for her, and so far it has been working for me.
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    My NET calories is set to 1200. Now I only eat that low amount if I haven't exercised. I use exercise as a way to eat more!!! Most days I eat around 1400 ot more.

  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I usually stay within 1200 to 1300 calories and do not eat back exercise calories. I've lost 72 lbs since last April doing this. I eat a ton of food (feel free to eye my diary), but I use a lot of what I learned (but never applied before now) from WW flex plan points system. I walk at a brisk pace for 50 minutes a day, do cardio and strength training. I think the calorie theory varies from person to person. I just do what works for me because I find it sustainable. I'm never hungry, as I'm kind of a grazer. I've completely changed my life and can't wait to hit my goal - less than 30 lbs away!!!
  • Hope1971
    Hope1971 Posts: 111 Member
    The important thing here is this........if you are eating 1200 calories and its all crap like say a McDonald's burger & Fries, or stuff that is high calorie and not really that good for you...then you are going to be starving and hard to stick to the 1200 and your body will need more fuel if you exercise....however.....if you are eating a ton of low calorie food that is GOOD for you like, fruit, veggies, nuts, and include some needed eggs, meat, real cheese...then you are fueling your body correctly and you shouldn't be starving or hungry! Its all in what you decide to put in your body in my opinion! :)

    I would also like to add that you can eat 1200 or1800 calories or any number a day and if it is alot of crap your body will still be starving because you are not giving it the nutrients it is starving for so bad. so even though your not starving food wise you are still starving nutrient wise!
  • ksloop00
    ksloop00 Posts: 144
    I don't eat mine back. I burn over 1000+, i can't eat that much! I've lost 50 lbs. since April 11, 2011 :happy:
  • Hope1971
    Hope1971 Posts: 111 Member
    I don't eat mine back. I burn over 1000+, i can't eat that much! I've lost 50 lbs. since April 11, 2011 :happy:

    WAY TO GO!!! You must be eating good foods!!! :)
  • ksloop00
    ksloop00 Posts: 144
    I don't eat mine back. I burn over 1000+, i can't eat that much! I've lost 50 lbs. since April 11, 2011 :happy:

    I burn that much each day, sorry I forgot that.
  • magickmitch
    Hi All,

    I started trying to lose weight a couple years ago. When I started thinking about it I was 335 pounds. I'm a taller guy (6'5) so I got away with a lot more weight than my shorter friends. That being said I was still way out of shape. I really still am out of shape but I've lost 72 pounds and am currently 263 pounds. I've lost it by being restrictive in my calories. I usually stick somewhere between 1200 and 1500 calories a day. I rarely exercize aside from playing in a weekend baseball league. I've found it comfortable to stick around this level of calories and it hasn't effected my health according to my doctor. I'm a half assed vegitarian too but its not a moral thing I just dont like beef and pork at all. I'll still eat chicken and turkey (hence the half assed) but for the most part I dont eat animals. Cheese and other stuff like that is still on the menu tho. I just thought I'd share my little speil here. I'm hoping to drop down to 230 or 240 when all is said and done. Its taken me 2 years so far to drop the 72 pounds and it would rock to drop an even 100 but Im easy either way. Again for me its all calorie restriction with almost no exercize and I drink a lot of diet soda. (coke zero) I know its not the healthiest way to do it but it keeps me full and doesnt bring calories to the party and tastes pretty good in the offing.
  • ksloop00
    ksloop00 Posts: 144
    I don't eat mine back. I burn over 1000+, i can't eat that much! I've lost 50 lbs. since April 11, 2011 :happy:

    WAY TO GO!!! You must be eating good foods!!! :)

    Thanks, I try to! Lots of veggies and fish, lol.